The Broken Ring This Marriage Will Fail Anyway chapter 74 release date, time, spoilers and where to read online

The Broken Ring This Marriage Will Fail Anyway chapter 74 release date, time, spoilers and where to read online

Chapter 74 of the famous romantic and historical manhwa The Broken Ring This Marriage Will Fail Anyway will be out soon, know the release date and spoilers here

In the previous chapter, we saw the flashback of Carcel and his grandpa. He told Carcel that he could bring his wife one day and it was a perfect place to rest. His grandpa told Carcel that he was just like him and would have a bright future, unlike Oscar.  If you are also following the manga The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway and are excited about chapter 74, we have got you covered here with the spoilers.

The Broken Ring This Marriage Will Fail Anyway chapter 74 release date, time, spoilers, leaks and where to read online

Carcel replied that his father had told him that Oscar would become a great ruler and he just needed to obey him for the rest of his life. His grandpa told him not to abandon Oscar and always be loyal to him. Back to the present, Carcel thought that he should travel separately from Ines. 


In this way, he would be able to confirm if he was the target or Ines. Carcel informed Ines that Mendoza had been urging for some time to let her go. While returning by Carriage, Ines was using the special herb from Andora. 

The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail chapter 74 release date

Fans will be happy to know that the release date of the romantic and historical manhwa The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway chapter 74 is June 13, 2024. You can read the chapter at the given times:

  • Pacific Time: 11:30 AM PT
  • Mountain Time: 9:30 AM
  • Central Time: 11:30 AM CT
  • Eastern Time: 11:30 AM ET
  • Greenwich Mean Time: 4:30 PM
  • British Summer Time: 4:30 PM
  • Central Daylight Time: 09:30 AM 

Where can you read The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway chapter 74?

The raw scan of The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway chapter 74 will be out by June 12, 2024. Ines was traveling to Mandoza alone with two coachmen. She became bored and realized that now she used to rely on people around her. Fans can read The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway chapter 74 on the Kakao Page.

[The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway]
byu/suoei inOtomeIsekai


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