In August 2022, an influencer on TikTok named Kendal Kay was seen sharing a video including her daily morning rituals. Her video went viral with the title Stay At Home Girlfriend TikTok Trend, know its meaning
26-year-old Kendal Kay has become popular with the “Stay At Home Girlfriend TikTok Trend”. Kendall does a lot of stuff for her boyfriend from making him a latte and fetching him water in the morning. Her boyfriend owns a PR company worth millions of dollars.
Stay At Home Girlfriend Meaning After Kendal Kay Video Goes Viral On TikTok And Reddit
I am a Stay-At-Home Girlfriend (SAHGF), Ask Me Anything! from AMA
After Stay At Home Girlfriend, TikTok Trend went viral on video-sharing platforms, many people started making videos with the same caption. This trend however has also received a lot of backlash from viewers. Kendal was seen,
- Making her 22-year-old boyfriend a latte.
- Making her a green juice by using a beauty brand supplement.
- Making her bed and cleaning the bedroom.
- A workout session with Lintz and walking on the beach to fetch a coffee.
- Journaling for 5 minutes.
- Ice roller massage on the face and 20 minutes of skincare.
- Planning the day
- She was making her boyfriend a smoothie bowl with some supplements.
Another Tiktoker named Rose made a similar video and mentioned that her boyfriend owns a real estate company. She also mentioned her boyfriend had asked her to enjoy life while staying at home and not doing any sort of job. According to Rose, “her boyfriend is paying all her fancy bills as well”.
For those who are unaware, the Stay At Home Girlfriend TikTok Trend is about all the girlfriends who stay at home and are living in a live-in with their boyfriends. Their partner’s aid all their financial needs. Women who are jealous of the Stay at home ladies have referred to them as dull and useless women.
Who Is Kendal Kay?
Kendal is a lifestyle blogger as well as an influencer who is known for her videos on TikTok. She is based in Puerto Rico. Her video received 13,500 comments and a total of 8.4 million views. She is dating Luke Lintz who is a millionaire.