SportsGrail Is The Digital Margdarshak Partner Of MeraAdhikar (One Nation – One Platform)

SportsGrail Is The Digital Margdarshak Partner Of MeraAdhikar (One Nation – One Platform)

Mera Adhikar is a Phygital platform which utilizes the latest Technology and final frontier Human touch to deliver the desire Impact.

It is a platform for Government Welfare Schemes Eligibility Discovery & Delivery, it helps Aam Aadmi discover the benefits of welfare schemes provided by our government in various sectors like Education, Healthcare, Livelihood, Pensions and many more.


SportsGrail is the Digital Margdarshak partner of MeraAdhikar (one nation-one platform)

There Are 6,000+ Government Welfare Schemes Across Different Categories For Which Our Government Have Budgeted ₹18 Lacs+ Crore For 2020-21.

Knowledge About Our Adhikar
Our government is offering 6,000+ Government Welfare schemes across all age groups, class, creed, gender, etc. More importantly we hardly know about them.


Greetings from Mera Adhikar,

As an employer you try to take care to ensure wellbeing of your employees and offer them multiple benefits possible.

Similarly Our Government has 6,000+ Social Welfare Schemes for the betterment of Indian citizens and on an average a given person is entitled for 24+ schemes. The main issue is people are not aware and if aware do not know the process they need to follow.

Mera Adhikar Platform can be used as Employee Benefit Program and will educate your employees about Benefits they can get from different Government & Private Welfare Schemes.


Click on the link below to know the eligibility for Government welfare schemes :

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SportsGrail is the Digital Margdarshak partner of meraadhikar (one nation-one platform). Join

Why You Should Have ABHA Card?

On September 27th 2021, the Government of India initiated the Ayushman Bharat Digital Health Mission (ABDM). The goal of this mission was to provide all the citizens of India with a digital health ID that will facilitate easy access to medical records.

This ID is a 14-digit identification number that can be used from anywhere in India. It helps share health information with medical professionals across India without any geographical barriers.

  • Take the first step to join the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission
  • Keep all the information from patient registration to treatment in a paperless manner
  • Discover, connect and take advantage of digital healthcare services linked to ABDM
  • Avoid long queues for registration at ABDM registered health facilities

Generate your Reports for FREE.


Click on the link to get started

World Hello Day seeks to encourage communication between countries. This day aims to highlight the importance of effective communication as a way to ensure peace.

It emphasizes communication rather than force as a way to resolve conflict. It hopes for dialogue between disagreeing countries.

World Hello Day was started in 1973 by brothers Brian and Michael McCormack as a reaction to the Egypt-Israel (Yom Kippur War) conflict. It is observed annually on November 21st.


Today is 21st November World Television Day

Television is an inescapable part of modern culture. We celebrate World Television Day to recognise television as a key medium for educating, directing, and influencing public opinion. The General Assembly of the United Nations declared 21st November 21 as World Television Day in 1996.

Mera Adhikar in our mission to educate every Indian citizen about their entitlement to government and private welfare schemes. There are 6,000+ such schemes and on average, an individual can get benefit from 20+ schemes.

By educating them we invariantly contribute to uplifting them. There are plenty of people around us who need help and Mera Adhikar is one such platform where one can discover their entitlements.
Generate For FREE,

Ayushman Bharat Health Account or Health ID: Health ID card issued by the Government of India that will redefine the healthcare ecosystem in India.


To become a Margdarshak Click on the link:

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