Sent you a snap vs sent a snap difference and meaning explained on Snapchat

Sent you a snap vs sent a snap difference and meaning explained on Snapchat

The social media platform Snapchat has recently updated the app and the version of the platform has made many users feel “special,” as they come forward to express their opinion, know the difference between sent you a snap vs sent a snap

For those who are unversed, let us tell you, recently the snap-sharing platform, Snapchat has updated it’s version in 2023. After which many users came forward and expressed their opinions.

These users are revealing how Snapchat’s new change i e, notification update from “Sent A Snap,” to “Sent You A Snap,” has made them feel.

Sent you a snap vs sent a snap difference and meaning on Snapchat

The platform users are expressing their different views and opinions with the addition of the word “You” as it has impacted greatly to some users as they opened up about feeling “special,” when certain someone sends them a snap.

Although the platform is yet to announce its 2023 update, many users have already got access to the newly rolled out features.

If you’re wondering more about the recent update, let us clear, although there isn’t any significant change in the notification update apart from “sent a snap” to “sent you a snap.”


Apart from it everything is the same, like they still mention the name of the person who sent the snap at the beginning of the notification.

The steps to receive and send the snaps are also the same but the notification may read it differently when a snap is sent to a group of people.

If you’re curious about the latest version and want to get the same experience, let us remind you, you need to update your app for the latest version.

However, the creators of the platform haven’t disclosed whether the update is available to all across the world or whether it is limited to a certain region.

Well coming back to users experience, some are going wild as they are feeling special while others feel this change barely makes any difference.


One such user penned down, “Snapchats update from “sent a snap” to “sent you a snap” makes me feel so special.”

However, another one stated “Snapchat adding the”you ” in “sent you a snap” was the worst update.”

Meanwhile, there are many who are feeling disappointment after the games section of the platform went missing.

Let us remind you, ever since the month of February began, the social media platform has been flooded with posts where users are urging for an explanation as they are suddenly “gone.”


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