Reddit R Place Canvas 2022, r/Place Artwork End Date And How To Participate

Reddit R Place Canvas 2022, r/Place Artwork End Date And How To Participate

Reddit resurrects the r/place, its collaborative artwork. The subreddit was Reddit’s April Fool’s Day event in 2017, know about the Reddit R Place canvas 2022

Since its debut in April 2017, Reddit users have been requesting that the subreddit r/Place be brought back every year.

Finally, Reddit has fulfilled its demands by resurrecting r/place, its collaborative artwork. Collaborators placed tiles on a blank common canvas on the board, which is a big grid.

Reddit R Place Canvas 2022, r/Place Artwork End Date, How To Participate

On April 2, at midnight, the artwork went live. Contributions from all across the world were combined to create a digital art creation. Josh Wardle, who subsequently invented the renowned online game Wordle, built the first version of r/place.

It has since been updated and expanded globally on the platform, which has over 10,000 communities and 50 million daily active unique users. The moderators used the Reddit board, which has over one million users, to make their announcement which said,

โ€œSome have visited a canvas before. / A place where togetherness created more. / Now in numbers far greater, taking more space, / It falls upon you to create a better place.โ€


What Is the r/Place Artwork?

The r/Place is a special subreddit with a blank canvas made up of small white pixel grids in simple terms. Reddit users may add coloured pixels to the blank canvas once every five minutes, creating a massive work of art.

The subreddit was Reddit’s April Fool’s Day event in 2017, and it was a huge success, so it’s returning. It was, in fact, one of the firm’s most popular April Fool’s Day events, according to the company.

According to the firm, over one million Redditors contributed over 16 million pixels to the collaborative digital art project in 2017. The purpose of r/Place is to show the potential of online communities working together to achieve a shared goal.

How does the r/Place Work?

The idea behind r/Place is quite basic. Any logged-in user may place a tile or pixel of their choice on a big blank 1000×1000 tile canvas with small empty pixels provided by Reddit. You have complete freedom to use any colour pixel or tile. The sole restriction is that each tile or pixel may only be placed once every five minutes.

The canvas expands in real-time since it lets any logged-in Reddit member join. Even if you don’t use Reddit or are logged out, you can keep an eye on what’s going on. The only restriction is that you won’t be able to play; instead, you’ll be able to observe from the sidelines.


How To Participate In Reddit’s 2022 Art Experiment?

First, you’ll need to have a Reddit account to participate in Reddit’s April Fools’ Day event on r/Place in 2022. Don’t worry if you don’t have one. You can create one in a matter of minutes.

To visit r/Place, log in to Reddit andย click the new “P” widget symbol in the top right corner of the home feed. Alternatively, on the Android or iOS app, open the community menu and hit the “P” widget icon. After that, you’ll be able to position whatever tile or pixel you want.

Anyone who visits Reddit may view the artwork but those who aren’t logged in will just be able to watch it develop, but they won’t be able to contribute.

For 87 hours, r/place will be available on Reddit and the app, closing on April 4 at 5 p.m. GMT (10.30 pm IST).


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