Pokemon Horizons The Series episode 17 release date, time, where to watch ep online

Pokemon Horizons The Series episode 17 release date, time, where to watch ep online

After witnessing the epic saga of Liko getting her memory back and meeting with everyone, fans of the series are eagerly looking forward to the release date of Pokemon Horizons The Series Episode 17 

When the last episode of the show is started, we see Liko reunited with Roy and others, but her cherished pendant is still missing. Fiede fears that the thief is still nearby, which is why Liko believes they can still pull it off, and he declares that the Rising Volteeccers’ retaliation has begun.

Pokemon Horizons The Series anime episode 17 release date, time, where to watch ep online

At the same time, we witness Friede awarding Dot with a Master Ball for her first catch and wishing her luck. Liko is surprised that Dot hasn’t captured any Pokemon until now, and when she asks why, Dot admits that she has never been driven to be a trainer.

Later we even witness Dot catching his first ever Pokemon, Kuwassu, with the use of the Master Ball. After a while, we see Friede lead them all to a location, stating that this is where he had arranged to meet Murdock and the others, and that once there, they should split up and check for anything unusual. When Dot asks what he wants to do, he perches on his Charmender’s back and says he’ll look after the sky.

When Roy suggests that they might be waiting for something, and Dot inquires what he is thinking, Roy responds that they might be waiting for a ship. Dot examines the ship’s schedule on her iPad and discovers that the only ship leaving at that time is a ferry.

Release Date

For those who are curious to know more about the release date of Episode 17 of Pokemon Horizons: The Series, let us make it clear, the next installment will be out on August 11, 2023.

The viewers of the series will be able to binge next episode as per following time-zone:


IST: 7:30 PM

CST: 3:00 PM

JST: 11:00 PM

KST: 11:00 PM

EIT: 8:00 PM


AEST: 11:00 PM

SGT: 9:00 PM

PHT: 10:00 PM

EET: 3:00 PM

PST: 7:00 AM

EST: 10:00 AM


If you’re a fan of the series and have been following it for quite sometime yet aren’t sure where to binge next episode, let us remind you, Episode 17 of the Pokemon Horizons: The Series will be available to stream online on the streaming platform Amazon Prime.

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