One Piece episode 1074 release date and time, spoilers, where to watch ep eng sub online in India

One Piece episode 1074 release date and time, spoilers, where to watch ep eng sub online in India

Episode 1074 of the famous Japanese adventure anime series One Piece will air soon, know more about the release date, time, spoilers, and streaming details here

In the previous episode, we got to see that Kaido is happy that Luffy hasn’t changed and is still the same person. This swiftly changed, though, into a rage at both Luffy’s new skills and the losses Kaido experienced as a result of the attack. If you are also following the One Piece anime series and are excited to watch episode 1074, we have got you covered.

One Piece episode 1074 release date and time, spoilers, preview, where to watch ep eng sub online in India

Then, when Luffy brought up his teammates who were imprisoned in the engulfing castle below, he reminded him of their plight. However, Luffy just said that his mission was to defeat Kaido and that his allies should take care of themselves. Raizo then announced that he can put out the fires burning the castle with Jinbe’s assistance as the episode cut to them. He opened a scroll that held Zunesha’s stream of water and released it all at once using his Devil Fruit powers.


 Jinbe then directed the water throughout the whole castle using his Fish-Man Karate, totally putting out the flames. The focus of the show then turned to Yamato and Momonosuke, who were persuaded to create flame clouds by the former. Kaido was obviously becoming weaker, Yamato said. If Momonosuke didn’t take action soon, everybody in the Flower Capital would perish.

One Piece episode 1074 release date and time

The release date of the popular anime series One Piece Episode 1074 is September 03,  2023, titled  “Believe in Momo – Luffy’s Final Big Move.”  The episode will air at 11.30 am according to The Eastern Time on Sunday. Internation viewers can enjoy One Piece episode 1074 on 4th September due to the Time Zone difference.

  • British Time: 3 AM
  • European Time: 4 AM
  • Indian Time: 7.30 AM
  • Philippine Time: 10 AM
  • Australia Central Time: 11.30 AM

Episode 1074 of One Piece anime will be available to stream on Crunchyroll and Funimation with English subtitles.

Spoilers for episode 1074

One Piece anime episode 1074 is going to be very exciting and thrilling. Momonosuke, who has an important duty to rescue the island, will be the main subject of the story. There are also really moving scenes where Momo recalls his mother’s comments. Furthermore, Luffy is preparing a major assault to support Momo. It will be quite intense! Numerous hundred thousand lives are now in jeopardy as a result of Onigashima’s potential catastrophe.

The responsibility falls on Momo, who strives to maintain the island. He becomes aware of his mother’s last request to reestablish the Kozuki Clan. When Oden Castle is on fire and Toki is getting ready to use her devil fruit powers to send Momo and the others into the future. After a few supportive comments, the young Samurai eventually makes up his mind. Kaido’s loss tragically spells death for every person on Onigashima without Momonosuke’s flame clouds.


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