Our favorite anime series One Piece’ recently launched episode 1062 has become the anime’s highest-rated episode on IMDB as it broke the internet
If you’re an anime fan, you couldn’t have missed the flood of content and reactions on social media in response to this week’s new episode of the One Piece series.
Touted as one of the best episodes of the iconic TV series to date, millions of fans worldwide are now desperately looking for evidence to back up this claim, with many turning to IMDB.
One Piece anime episode 1062 broke the internet, how many views and rating
With a stunning rating of 9.9/10 on IMDb, episode 1062 of One Piece stands as the pinnacle of all One Piece episodes, being the highest rated episode to date. pic.twitter.com/0YSEpR9eEp
— Geo (@Geo_AW) May 22, 2023
The beauty of One Piece Episode 1062
– THREAD 🏴☠️
#ONEPIECE1062 #ONEPIECE pic.twitter.com/GmN7dAiSiF— One Piece Tweets (@onepiecedaiIys) May 21, 2023
In fact, One Piece episode 1062 is currently the highest-rated episode of the iconic anime adaptation on IMDB – but what is it currently rated at, and what are the series’ top 25 highest-rated episodes?
One Piece episode 1062 has only been available to watch for a day around the world, but it has already become the highest-rated One Piece episode of all time on IMDB.
Surprisingly, but not surprisingly, One Piece episode 1062 currently has a near-perfect 9.9/10 rating!
More than 5,300 reviews had been submitted at the time of writing, with more than 91% of users rating the episode a 10/10.
Unfortunately, over 350’review bombings’ of 0/10 reduce the average score to 9.9/10 – IMDB weights ratings relatively so that these review bombs do not overtly skew the data.
“As the battle between Zoro and King reaches its climax, Zoro, after figuring out the secret of King’s abilities, uses his newfound power to create the King of Hell Three Sword Style.”
Episode 1062 of One Piece adapted Chapter 1035 and the first pages of Chapter 1036 from the original manga. Both of these manga chapters debuted in December 2021, with chapter 1035 concluding Volume 102 and chapter 1036 kicking off Volume 103.
If you want to read these chapters, you can get access to the entire catalog of One Piece manga chapters through Manga Plus and Viz Media for just $2.99 per month.
Out of all 1062 available episodes of the One Piece anime adaptation, 232 have received a 9/10 or higher rating; however, what are the 25 highest-rated One Piece anime episodes on IMDB, here’s the details:
Episode 1062: Zoro vs. King (2023) – 9.9/10
Episode 968: The Pirate King is Born: Arriving at the Last Island! (2021) – 9.8/10
Episode 483: Looking for the Answer – Fire Fist Ace Dies on the Battlefield (2011) – 9.8/10.
Some other highest rated episodes are as:
Episode 485
Episode 1017
Episode 808
Episode 377
Episode 974
Episode 484
Episode 1015
Episode 1028
Episode 1061
Episode 870
Episode 278
Episode 312
Episode 914
Episode 957
Episode 965
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