Zachary Anderson shot NASCAR driver John Wes Townley dead after Townley attacked him and his ex-wife with an axe
John Wes Townley who had raced in NASCAR was declared dead after being shot in the chest by Zachary Anderson, the lover of his ex-wife, Laura Townley. The unprecedented set of events unraveled after Jon attacked Zachary and Laurey in the 200 block of Morton Avenue in the Five Points area of Athens, Georgia with an axe.
Zachary Anderson, Partner Of John Wesley Townley Ex-Wife Shoots Him Dead
32 year old Zacahary had gone onto open fire in retaliation with Laurey being struck by the gunfire as well. The entire incident took place only a few days after Laurey and Jon had officially separated.
Laurey and Jon who had met on had gone onto get married, one which hadn’t transpired as Laurey would have envisaged. Jon had thrown her to the floor during the two’s unison, ensuing which she had cited a threat to her life with the two opening divorce proceedings.
Jon had pleaded guilty in a domestic abuse case two years back with him being sentenced to probation for his antics. He had been charged with battery-family violence, simple battery and disorderly conduct with court records of August 2019 detailing how Laura was left petrified after what had happened.
Prosecutors had agreed to drop the battery charges against him after Jon had decided to plead guilty of the charges of misdemeanor against him.
Jon was the son of the co-founder of the millionaire fried chicken chain, Zaxby’s. He died whilst receiving treatment at the hospital while his ex-wife is said to be critical at the moment but bound to make a gradual recovery.