Moving Kdrama season 1 ending explained and is the story happy or sad

Moving Kdrama season 1 ending explained and is the story happy or sad

The Moving Kdrama series has finally ended recently and the fans are still wondering about the ending explained of the series

On August 9, 2023, seven of the 20 episodes dropped, each running between 50 and 60 minutes. Two episodes will air on Wednesdays at 8 p.m., and the final three episodes will air on September 20, 2023.

Moving Kdrama season 1 ending explained and is the plot story happy or sad


Let’s have a look at the Moving series ending which was a common topic among the fans of this series. In response to the general’s instruction, North Korean superhumans have begun fighting South Korean superhumans and their children. Mi-hyun shoots the North Korean superhuman when she discovers her student Kisoo in peril. Ju-won deals with the North Korean superhuman Kwang-jae in a similar fashion. The North Korean troupe leader Deok-yoon visits the graves of his fallen comrades and says his final goodbyes.

Meanwhile, Bong-seok and Hee-soo are taking care of Dong-geun in the gym. Dong-geun goes back to school in an effort to rein in the mayhem that has ensued. After hearing the news about his mom, Bong-seok storms off to school, too. When Jae-man gets involved to protect Gang-hoon, things get rather heated. In order to defeat Kwang-jae and the other superhumans, Ju-won and Jae-man team together. They are successful, but Kwang-jae is able to leave and start a new life in peace because his best buddy sacrifices himself.

As Kwang-jae leaves the school, he begins to cry. Hee-soo, who was on her way to school, came across the man and consoled him. Gye-do arrives to the school right on time and rescues Bong-seok from Dong-geun. Deok-yoon hastily books a flight for Dong-geun to return to North Korea. Before taking his own life, Deok-yoon engages in combat with Ju-won and Mi-hyun. Everyone knows he merely came to retrieve the documents and had no ill intentions against the children.


What happened to Doo-sik

Dong-geun visits Doo-sik in isolation and frees him. He arms him with a weapon and entrusts him with the life of his son. As soon as Doo-sik landed in South Korea, he murdered Rae-hyuk and Min. He then reunites his family with Mi-hyun and Bong-seok. Kwang-jae’s life changes drastically once Ju-won hires him as a member of his store staff. Kwang-jae is Hee-soo’s uncle, and the three of them have a touching relationship.

Ju-won is filled with pride as he thinks about his now-adult daughter. He keeps thinking about Ji-hee and the joyful conclusion she was hoping for. He gives himself a satisfied grin, convinced that he delivered on his promise to provide his wife a happy ending.
