“Money doesn’t make you a man little guy,” Michael Bisping Becomes The Latest To Shut A Deranged Conor McGregor 

“Money doesn’t make you a man little guy,” Michael Bisping Becomes The Latest To Shut A Deranged Conor McGregor 

Squabbling with Michael Bisping did Conor McGregor no favours as his outlandish comments were given a schooling by the UFC commentator 

Why Conor McGregor partakes in his antics is something which perhaps even he won’t be able to dissect. However, one thing which has become palpably clear with his tweets these days is that he’s far cut off from reality, a man blinded by the facade of money.

No longer being able to cut it out in the ring, Conor who is at the moment nursing an injury after being rattled by Dustin Porier has now decided its prudent for him to sit at home and send out tirades to his competitors. Desperate to continue to remain relevant and mantain his charade of being the bad boy of UFC, Conor McGregor has been tweeting and deleting against almost everyone under the son.

However, unlike previously when his brawls and jibes were reveled in, Conor is failing to fit the bit these days. His nosediving form paired with his vitriol being way too malicious has seen him face colossal backlash.


Its not deterred him though with him continuing on his spree of hitting out at people. He had a few days back lashed out at commentator Daniel Cormier with the two seen bickering online.

Michael Bisping And Conor McGregor Feud On Twitter

Previous middleweight champion and now UFC commentator, Michael Bisping has now weighed in on the brawl with him throwing his weight behind DC. He talked about how Daniel would rip Conor from limb to limb, comments which Conor didn’t take too kindly to.


He lashed out at Bisping in much too anticipated fashion as he tried to hide behind the sheet of his wealth, only to be clobbered by Bisping.

“Bisping is a nobody on Sirius XM. Rushed back to competition after being dropped/strangled and then gets shotgun slept by Gastelum’s left hand. Even though I collect commission on all his fights, I still said to the team to pull the Gast fight,” Conor had previously written.

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