“Mf you f*cking suck,” Adin Ross launches verbal attack on Darvin Ham in viral video

“Mf you f*cking suck,” Adin Ross launches verbal attack on Darvin Ham in viral video

Controversial internet personality Adin Ross caused a stir when he went on a minute-long rant against Los Angeles Lakers head coach Darvin Ham on May 23

In a viral video, Ross hurled a barrage of verbal abuse, including explicit language and derogatory remarks, directed at Ham.

The incident comes in the aftermath of the Lakers’ elimination from the NBA playoffs. Ross expressed his frustration and anger, even stating that he wanted to “kill” Ham, sparking a divisive reaction among his followers. This incident has drawn significant attention on social media and raised questions about Ross’s behavior.

Adin Ross launches verbal attack on Darvin Ham in viral video


The video captured Adin Ross in an aggressive state, questioning Darvin Ham’s credentials as the coach of a championship-winning team. Ross mocked Ham’s on-court performance, emphasizing his alleged average of “one point” per game. The streamer opened the viral video by stating, “Uncle Darvin, look what Adin Ross said about you.”

Adin Ross unleashes profanity-laden tirade

Using profanity and derogatory language, Ross launched into a diatribe, berating Ham for his supposed incompetence. He exclaimed, “You don’t know st about me! Motherfker, you’re playing two whole seasons in the NBA. You are a**! You are averaging one point per game. Why would you be coaching a championship-attending team? You know nothing, bro! You suck a**! Motherfker, you were a cancer to that team! You fking suck,” as reported by Sportskeeda.

Accusing Ham of sidelining LeBron James during crucial games, Ross claimed that the coach’s decisions had a negative impact on the team’s performance. He expressed outrage over a specific instance where Ham allegedly failed to instruct the players to be aggressive despite James having accumulated five fouls. Ross unleashed a series of insults, referring to Ham as a “stupid bald b**ch” and questioning his coaching abilities.

Adin Ross accuses Darvin Ham of prioritizing image

In the midst of his tirade, Adin Ross accused Darvin Ham of being more concerned with his image than the team’s success. Ross claimed that Ham’s focus was solely on looking good in Los Angeles, engaging in a lavish lifestyle with fancy cars and women. He angrily shouted, “All you care about is looking good in L.A. ‘Oh, I look good. I’m in L.A.’ Boogie cars. Boogie bches. Fk you! Fired, b**ch!”


“I Want to Kill You… in GTA”:

As the video reached its climax, Adin Ross made a controversial statement, expressing his desire to “kill” Darvin Ham. However, he clarified that this intention was limited to the virtual world of the popular video game Grand Theft Auto (GTA). Ross concluded his rant by delivering a final barrage of insults and explicit threats against the Lakers coach.

Reactions pour in as Adin Ross’s rant goes viral

Adin Ross’s explosive rant quickly spread across social media platforms, sparking a wave of reactions from users. Some drew comparisons to Draymond Green, who had previously referred to Ross as a “weirdo.” Users expressed a mix of support and condemnation for Ross’s behavior, with some acknowledging the intensity of his emotions while others criticized his excessive and aggressive approach.

Adding another layer of controversy, reports circulated on Twitter suggesting that Adin Ross had suffered a significant financial loss. It was alleged that Ross had wagered a staggering $4 million on the outcome of the Los Angeles Lakers and Denver Nuggets series. This revelation further fueled discussions about Ross’s recent activities and raised questions about the consequences of his actions.


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