Meldi Maa birthday date in 2024, history, temple, status and photo

Meldi Maa birthday date in 2024, history, temple, status and photo

Meldi Mata is primarily revered in Gujarat, or the Saurashtra region, have a look at Maa’s birthday date in 2024

Legend has it that Bhagwati Uma became enraged over the demon Amaruva’s crimes and then manifested on earth.

Meldi Maa birthday (jayanti) date in 2024, history, temple, status and photo

The Meldi Maa birthday date in 2024 is 29 January.

Meldi Mata is a Hindu goddess who is indeed a superpower form of Maa Jagadamba in Kaliyuga. She was born to eradicate Kaliyuga’s vices, which include filth, lust, rage, pride, greed, attachment, and lust. She is referred to as Shri Meladi Maadi by everyone. The Gujarati district of Anand is home to the renowned Meldi Mata temple.


Meldi Mata has a bottle in one hand, a dagger in the second, a trident in the third, a sword in the fourth, a mace in the fifth, a chakra in the sixth, a lotus in the seventh, and the posture of Abhaya in the eighth. Meldi Mata’s bottle holds the entirety of her tantric abilities.

The story behind Meldi Maa Vrata

One day, a demon named Amruva turned into a human and prayed for Lord Shiva. When Lord Shiva eventually approached the demon, he asked him for a boon, saying that he would not be killed by any other human and that he should live forever. The monster changed back into its former shape once Shiva granted the wish.


As soon as the wish was granted, five goddesses came to Parvati to warn about a great catastrophe that was about to happen due to the granting of the wish. They then hurriedly went to exterminate the demon, which the goddesses pursued and battled, but the demon managed to get away and hide in a dead cow. The goddesses developed a new avatar after cleansing their bodies of all filth and dead skin. Following the creation of the goddess, she battled the demon inside the dead cow, taking his life.

Soon after her return, the goddess went to Lord Shiva and asked what she would do since she killed a demon inside a dead animal, but the five goddesses refused to bless her since she was impure. However, she received a benediction from Lord Shiva, who also said she would then be known as “Meldi Maa,” and in the Kali Yuga, people would pray for her.
