Lookism Chapter 508 release date, time, spoilers and where to read online

Lookism Chapter 508 release date, time, spoilers and where to read online

The fans are excited for Lookism chapter 508 whose release date is finally out now

Fans saw the unbeatable Gun who was going on a rampage nonstop. No one was able to stop him and it looks like Eugene’s plan has been failing. He even got the red paper in his hands but Mandeok is standing on his way to fight with him.

Lookism Chapter 508 release date, time, spoilers, leaks and where to read online

Get ready for Lookism Chapter 508 which is all set to release on June 28, 2024, at 12 am JST.

  • According To Pacific Standard Time: June 27, 8:00 am
  • According To Central European Time: June 27, 5:00 pm
  • According To Indian Standard Time: June 27, 8:30 pm
  • According To Philippines Standard Time: June 27, 11:00 pm
  • According To Singapore Standard Time: June 27, 11:00 pm
  • According To Japanese Standard Time: June 28, 12:00 am

What Exactly Happened so far?

Charles Choi finally made an appearance after a long time and she saw the news about his father on the tv. Everything related to his scandal was revealed on the news. Byeon Kim who is the 10th new generation person, told how this is going to fight between media.


This fake news can still be handled but if Eugene gets his hands on the red paper, it will be over for Choi. Charles believes that Gun will surely bring him the red paper and he dosen’t have to worry about that.

On the other hand, Gun has finally snapped and was defeating everyone one by one. We saw how Vasco burn knuckles also wanted to participate in the battle but Vasco didn’t bring them along with him.

Everyone got defeated by Gun one by one and then he jumped from the cliff to arrive right in front of  Yuseong who was tunning with the red paper.


Mandeok was there to save him but he saw that Gun had already gotten his hands on the red paper. It was time to fulfill his dream, and he was ready to lay down his life for Eugene to fight Gun.

Where You Can Read Lookism Chapter 508

Only on Webtoons and Naver, you can read Lookism chapter 508.

Chapter 506: kings – chapter 507: big daniel(?)
byu/ZestycloseMap4521 inlookismcomic
