List Of Ways To Get Free Primogems In Genshin Impact 2.6

List Of Ways To Get Free Primogems In Genshin Impact 2.6

Primogems have a love-hate connection with Genshin Impact players, know how to get them for free

They enjoy the notion that this premium cash allows them to unlock new characters & weapons, but they despise the arduous process of collecting them.

Every update brings with it a slew of new features, missions, events, and places that aid travellers, particularly F2P players, in their hunt for Primogems. Whales, on the other hand, can always purchase Genesis Crystals from the shop to bypass the grind.

List Of Ways To Get Free Primogems In Genshin Impact 

In Genshin Impact, how do you receive Primogems?

In HoYoverse’s action RPG, there are two types of Primogems sources. Some are reusable, while others are just good for one use.

Daily Commissions- By completing commissions & collecting the prize from Katheryne, players can earn 60 Primogems per day.

Every month, on the 1st and 16th, Spiral Abyss floors 9-12 reset. Travellers can earn 600 Primogems by clearing all 36 floors with a total of 36 stars.


When players reach level 50, the Battle Pass costs $10 & grants 680 Primogems.

Blessing of the Welkin Moon is a $10 monthly membership that grants 2,700 Primogems throughout 30 days (90 Primogems each). It also gives you 300 Genesis Crystals, which you can turn into Primogems.

Daily Commissions- By completing commissions & collecting the prize from Katheryne, players earn 60 Primogems per day.

Every month, on the 1st and 16th, Spiral Abyss floors 9-12 reset. Travellers can earn 600 Primogems by clearing all 36 floors with a total of 36 stars.

When players reach level 50, this Battle Pass costs $10 & grants 680 Primogems.


Blessing of the Welkin Moon is a $10 monthly membership that grants 2,700 Primogems throughout 30 days (90 Primogems each). It also gives you 300 Genesis Crystals, which you can turn into Primogems.

The Genshin Impact players should emphasise the non-renewable sources indicated above. They should make sure they’ve fully explored all of the regions and that their Adventurer Handbook is free of challenges before proceeding to the endgame.

In addition, every Special Program provides 300 Primogems via redeeming codes, so players should try to take advantage of these freebies as soon as possible.

Patch 2.6 is now available, and it includes an Archon Quest, a Story Quest for Kamisato Ayato, new events, as well as the Chasm. Before the introduction of patch 2.7, the current content can let players obtain around 2000 Primogems.


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