League Of Legends login queue not working error explained and how to fix issue

League Of Legends login queue not working error explained and how to fix issue

League of Legends is susceptible to random outages, and one occurred with the login queue, know how to fix the error

As a result, many people were unable to access their accounts and play League of Legends.

It’s unfortunate that some users are still encountering problems with this after the outage has been fixed. Please find below some fixes that will allow you to re-enter Summoner’s Rift. It’s not necessary to freak out; this bug has a very simple workaround and can affect anyone.

This problem has been around for a long time and can arise for no apparent reason. If you’re having trouble joining the League of Legends login queue, try the following troubleshooting steps.

League Of Legends login queue error and how to fix not being able to join issue

If you’re having trouble connecting in League of Legends, there are a few things you can try. All kinds of people experience this problem. This article lists the potential solutions.

Your first step should be to try restarting League of Legends. Considering that the issue could originate from Riot’s servers, this is always the first thing to try when troubleshooting a connection issue.


There may be an underlying problem with your computer that needs to be restarted if it doesn’t work. First, make sure you can connect to the web. Did your connection time out when the team was playing?

In that case, it’s possible that anything went wrong during the League Of Legends match, and now League won’t allow you sign in. Attempt to log out of the wireless network and back in again. Don’t freak out if the first three standard procedures fail. There are still lots of options to explore, but this problem could be trickier to fix than first thought.

Other options to explore in League Of Legends

Although this approach has certain challenges, it nevertheless holds promise. Changing your domain name server settings is required. You’ll find the option to alter Adapter settings within the Network section of your system’s preferences.

Next, choose the network on which to set up Google’s Public DNS. The Ethernet Interface’s Properties menu is where you’ll want to look if that’s the networking protocol you’re employing.


Choose the “Networking” tab once you’ve arrived. Click Properties after choosing either TCP/IPv4 or TCP/IPv6 as your Internet Protocol version. Select the DNS tab by clicking the Advanced button. Keep the IP addresses in mind for future use, but feel free to delete them from League Of Legends if they aren’t needed. To use the following DNS server address, click OK and then choose it. or The tab can be closed after selecting Advanced Settings > Specify alternate DNS settings.

This choice is risk-free, reversible, and secure so long as you stick to trusted domains like Google’s Public DNS.

You can use tool to solve the issue as well

If it wasn’t successful, use the HEXTECH REPAIR TOOL to scan and repair the League of Legends files.
If none of these solutions have helped, you may always try erasing the game from your computer and reinstalling it. In case this doesn’t solve the problem, please submit a ticket to RIOT requesting further investigation.

To know more about League Of Legends, do follow The SportsGrail on a regular and frequent basis.