Japan Lied About The Weather To Win Bid For Tokyo Olympics

Japan Lied About The Weather To Win Bid For Tokyo Olympics

The members of the Japan government and the Tokyo Olympics Organizing Committee have lied and submitted wrong details for the weather conditions of the Tokyo Olympics

The weather conditions are oppressive and muggy and have created a lot of problems for the athletes participating in the outdoor sports.

According to a report of the news.com.au, many players were facing difficulty while playing in this weather such as Serbian tennis player, Novak Djokovic who was furious and also asked for a change in his schedule. In the beginning of this week many beach volleyballers also mentioned that it is really difficult to play on the hot sand.

Japan lied about the weather conditions for Tokyo Olympics 2021

The weather conditions were uncontrollable and this first came into spotlight when the men’s triathlon ended on Monday morning and Kristian Blummenfelt gold medal winner, fainted after reaching the finish line and even before he could celebrate his win, he puked. He along with other athletes were under a lot of distress after the race ended.


Nepartak, tropical storm has started effecting events like rowing, surfing and archery and all these events have been rescheduled due to heavy rains and high winds 108km/h.

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What did the application expose?

The application submitted to the IOC to get the hosting rights for Tokyo Olympics has exposed some heart-wrenching images when the men’s triathlon ended.


The application has been made available to the public and had also issued a statement which said that the conditions would be “ideal” for the athletes if the games are held in July and August in Tokyo.

The statement in the application read, “There would be lots of mild and sunny weather days and the climate would be ideal for athletes to perform their best.”

The statement has caused a lot of trouble to the Organizing Committee. The maximum temperature on an average in July in Tokyo is 30c and the maximum temperature in August is 31c. And the minimum temperature on an average is 23-24c in Tokyo respectively.


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