Is the mugshot of Kai Cenat real or fake as photo goes viral after he’s arrested for NYC PS5 giveaway

Is the mugshot of Kai Cenat real or fake as photo goes viral after he’s arrested for NYC PS5 giveaway

This was owing to his supposed PS5 giveaway causing a brawl in Manhattan’s Union Square and now that a phoney mugshot of Kai Cenat has gone viral, his supporters are in a frenzy

In New York City, police detained Kai Cenat.

Is the mugshot of Kai Cenat real or fake as photo goes viral after he’s arrested for NYC PS5 giveaway on Twitter

Police in New York City apprehended Kai Cenat after his claimed video game system giveaway on Friday drew a sizable crowd to Manhattan’s Union Square and descended into chaos. Due to a fake mugshot of the internet personality going viral on social media, his fans are now in a frenzy.


The image of the 21-year-old shows him getting his height measured against a wall in the background while wearing an orange jail outfit. Many individuals posted the image on social media after Kai Cenat’s arrest with the phrase, “Kai Cenat’s mugshot leaked.” “Leaked Kai Cenat mugshot, bro looks done with life,” said another individual.

On Friday, the PS5 giveaway was supposed to start at 4 p.m., but large crowds started forming in Union Square around 1:30 p.m. At 3:30 p.m., the crowd started throwing things, and the police started making arrests as a result. A car, most likely transporting Cenat, was seen leaving the scene as people piled onto it in news footage from around 4:25 p.m.

On Friday, a surging, densely packed mob was seen climbing park structures, throwing chairs, punches, and jumping on cars in aerial TV news footage. Teenagers ran through the streets shouting and swinging objects at approaching automobiles.

The NYPD had to act quickly

Numerous streets were blocked by the mob, and numerous police officers were working to keep it under control. Police issued a Level Four mobilisation order in response to the commotion, activating all nearby police forces. They had informed those in the throng that they would be arrested in advance.


Police had retaken the majority of the area by 530 p.m. local time, but minor altercations continued as kids toppled barricades and threw bottles and even a flowerpot at officers. Later, they were seen chasing people down the street and pinning them to the ground.

By six o’clock, the majority of the crowd had dispersed, leaving behind trash on the road. The head of the NYPD’s department, Jeffrey Maddrey, said there had been some arrests and injuries but he did not give any figures or details. It was seen that the people who had been held were on a bus leaving the area.

According to Maddrey, Cenat was brought into custody at the Midtown station after police removed him from the scene out of concern for his safety and are debating whether to press charges against him for instigating violence.
