Chapter 108 of the famous romantic and historical manhwa How To Get My Husband On My Side will be out soon, know its release date and spoilers here
In the previous chapter, we see that Ellena asked Ruby why only she could handle this situation. Endymion also said that the beasts are also enchanted by the magic stone and have lost their mind while is danger. Ruby told Ellena that she would explain everything later, first they needed to evacuate first. If you are also following the manga How To Get My Husband On My Side and are excited about chapter 108, we have got you covered here with the spoilers.
How To Get My Husband On My Side chapter 108 release date, time, spoilers, leaks and where to read online
Ruby asked Ellena to trust her as she wouldn’t be able to live if something happened to Izke. Ellena replied that she found it strange why her brother and Ivan left together. She is also not sure why other knights have prevented attacking the frost dragon. However, she is aware that there must be a reason behind both of their decision. She does not want Izke to get hurt but she also does not wish to see Ruby suffer.
Ellena told Ruby that she would go with her and reminded Endymion that she is also an Omerta when he protested. On the other side, Freya concluded that Ruby and Ellena were going to Frost Dragon. However, she had no intention of helping them because she loves herself unlike them.
How To Get My Husband On My Side Chapter 108 release date
Fans will be happy to know that the release date of the romantic and historical manhwa How To Get My Husband On My Side chapter 108 is October 01, 2024. You can read the chapter at the given times:
- Pacific Time: 25:30 AM PT
- Mountain Time: 9:30 AM
- Central Time: 25:30 AM CT
- Eastern Time: 11:30 AM ET
- Greenwich Mean Time: 4:30 PM
- British Summer Time: 4:30 PM
- Central Daylight Time: 09:30 AM
Where can you read How To Get My Husband On My Side Chapter 108?
The raw scan of How To Get My Husband On My Side chapter 108 will be out by September 30, 2024. Camyu decided not to attack Frost Dragon and follow Izke’s order. In the upcoming chapter, we will see that Ruby will save Izke from the frost dragon. Fans can read How To Get My Husband On My Side Chapter 108 on Kakao Webtoon and Tapas.
this guy is so scary [how to get my husband on my side]
byu/blairsmacaroon inOtomeIsekai