How to buy Australian Open 2024 uniform for ballkids and ball boy and ball girl kit price

How to buy Australian Open 2024 uniform for ballkids and ball boy and ball girl kit price

Here is all you need to know about Ralph Lauren’s 2024 Australian Open uniform, know what will the ballkids wear and how to buy the uniform

The Ralph Lauren suite on the first day of the Australian Open 2024 was the focal point of this fashion confluence, with Olivia DeJonge and Montana Cox, two of the biggest names in fashion and entertainment, gracing the event with their impeccable elegance.

How to buy Australian Open 2024 uniform for ballkids and ball boy and ball girl kit cost

Ralph Lauren is the official outfitter of the Australian Open for the fourth year running, providing clothing for nearly 4,000 employees and launching a unique line of clothing and accessories.

This collaboration strengthens the premier American brand’s position as a leader in sports fashion and its ability to shape narratives about style both on and off the court. The 2024 Australian Open collection by Ralpha Lauren, which includes a new baller outfit, was unveiled for this competition.

Tennis Club played host to level one of ballkid trials on May 21, last year, with roughly 30 youngsters from across Victoria going for a chance to be selected for this year’s Australian Open. Over the next weeks, level one of the trials was attended by over a thousand kids between the ages of twelve and fifteen at eighteen tennis clubs throughout Victoria.


It is predicted that over 1500 children applied for level one trials; 750 of them moved on to level two trials in Melbourne in July, and approximately 430 of them will be chosen for either a train-on squad or the Australian Open crew.

Prior to the major, those chosen in the final 430 will engage in rigorous preparation from August to November.


Ballkids have one of the hardest jobs at every Australian Open, gathering and distributing balls, towels, and drinks for players among a plethora of other responsibilities. They are also perfect for showcasing the newest collection of clothing from a fashion brand because of their consistent presence on the court.

What will ballkids wear for 2024 Australian Open?

The iconic long-sleeve polo is primarily white and navy with a light blue diagonal stripe. On the court, it’s worn with a skirt or shorts and is constructed from recyclable materials.

How to buy Ralph Lauren’s ballkid shirt and how much will it cost?

Fans can buy the Ralph Lauren’s ballkid shirt on the Australian Open shop’s official site from here. The polo shirt will set you back AU$279, while the shorts retail for AU$139.
