Hogwarts Legacy Release Date, Gameplay, Side Quests, Combat, Classes

Hogwarts Legacy Release Date, Gameplay, Side Quests, Combat, Classes

Everything you need to know about the Hogwarts Legacy game, the release date, platforms, gameplay trailer, character creation, side quests, classes, combat and much more

Hogwarts Legacy, an upcoming action role-playing game by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, is inspired by the Harry Potter novels. The plot of the game, which takes place in the Wizarding World Universe in the 1890s, centres on a fifth-year student who begins attending Hogwarts.  A mysterious ancient magic can be controlled by the player character, who is in possession of the key to a secret of destroying the Wizard world. With that stated, let’s find out everything we know about the game.

Hogwarts Legacy Release Date, Gameplay, Platforms, Side Quests, Combat, Classes

When will Hogwarts Legacy be released?

The release date for Hogwarts Legacy is set for February 10, 2023. The game will be available on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows platforms.

Gameplay Trailer

Hogwarts Legacy Showcase Video


To offer fans a sense of the character creation and general gameplay, the Hogwarts Legacy development team recently provided a lengthy gameplay showcase. Let’s attempt to understand the features of Hogwarts Legacy gameplay in more detail.

Character Creation

The character development in the upcoming Hogwarts Legacy appears to be both detailed and interesting. Users have a wide range of options for pre-built characters or the ability to design their own and depict them as witches or wizards. In addition to creating the wizards of their choosing, players can also select the voice of the character and adjust the voice pitch to their preference.



Hogwart Legacy will provide players with a variety of tasks. The quests will be totally voice-acted, and players will be able to locate them on the map by following golden arrows. In the conversation options in the showcase video, there are two sorts of icons: a question mark for asking a question and a square symbol for moving the story further.


The characters will be equipped with a range of spells that they may utilise in combat. Depending on the styles and spells you select, the character will also have finishing moves. Players will be prohibited from performing the spells repeatedly in order to make Hogwarts Legacy more compatible. Players will be able to gain other combat spells alongside the fundamental spells as their character progresses in the game.


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