In the manga series Hajime no Ippo, a harassed youngster decides to take up boxing in an effort to alter his life for the better, know the release date of chapter 1419
The protagonist of the narrative is a young boy named Makunouchi Ippo who has experienced bullying all of his life. He is constantly doing errands and getting physically assaulted by his peers. He had always intended to transform himself for the better, but he lacked the will and confidence to carry out his intention.
Hajime No Ippo Chapter 1419 release date, time, manga Reddit spoilers, leaks, where to read online
Since Hajime No Ippo Chapter 1419 will be published every week in Weekly Shonen Magazine, it will be available on April 19, 2023 (JST).
- Eastern Daylight Time: 11. 00 AM(April 18, 2023)
- British Summer Time: 4.00 PM (April 18, 2023)
- Indian Standard Time: 8.30 PM (April 18, 2023)
- Singapore Standard Time: 11.00 PM (April 18, 2023)
- Philippines Standard Time: 11.00 PM (April 18, 2023)
- Australia Time: 12.30 AM (April 19, 2023)
- Japanese Standard Time: midnight (April 19, 2023)
- Korean Standard Time: midnight (April 19, 2023)
- Pacific Daylight Time: 8.00 AM (April 18, 2023)
- Central Daylight Time: 10.00 AM (April 18, 2023)
What To Expect in Chapter 1419 of Hajime No Ippo
The readers will see a violent brawl in the upcoming episode. Marcus’s description and actions make it unclear whether he adheres to the law because he appears to kill anyone he chooses and to act unfairly. He might not have received any penalties because even the referees feared him. Watch who among Marcus and MAshiba gets bloodied as this fight starts.
Recap of Hajime No Ippo Chapter 1418
Marcus Rosario, the strongest fighter in the lightweight division, was in the last episode’s round. champion in the world against whom Mashiba San is battling.
Makanuouchi was concerned about Marcus’s strength while everyone else was talking about how Marcus would be as well as the kind of guy he was. Marcus was a very violent player, and so was Southpaw. He would headbutt opponents, preventing them from continuing the fight.
Mashiba was unable to determine whether or not it was a foul. However, Fuji San referred to him as the bad boy of Puerto Rico in his essay. Everybody wanted to know Marcus’ personality. The world champion, however, doesn’t appear to comprehend his situation; he would be willing to shoot anyone who was noisy and obtrusive.
His manager warned him against doing it since he would get into serious trouble and that location was not Puerto Rico. Marcus becomes irritated after hearing what the management says and almost shoots him to warn the other employees.
Where To Read Chapter 1419 of Hajime No Ippo
On the official website of the publication that issues Weekly Shonen Magazine, readers will be able to read Hajime No Ippo Chapter 1419 online.