Each of Genshin Impact’s characters has a birthday, which is commemorated in-game with a personalised note to players and today it is the birthday of Noelle
Fans look forward to these letters because they contain stories from the characters as well as some small rewards that make the wait worthwhile.
Genshin Impact Noelle Birthday Today, Rewards, Gifts, Mail And Hangout Event
Noelle’s birthday is on March 21, and the dutiful maid has decided to celebrate with stargazing and pancakes. Players who adore Noelle will want to claim this heartfelt letter as soon as possible, and they can get a sneak peek at its contents here.
Despite not being one of Genshin Impact’s most famous characters, Noelle has a large fan base in the game’s community. Noelle works harder than most people in Mondstadt as an aspiring Knight of Favonius, and her dutiful nature shines through in her stellar work as a maid.
Players can spend time getting to know her by participating in her Hangout Events, which delve into her character and allow fans to assist her with a variety of requests. Noelle, as usual, sent out her birthday mail on March 21.
Noelle’s letter describes how she has been gazing at the stars and how the Traveler has recently been on her mind. She compares their brilliance to her own and claims that her exhaustion pales in comparison to theirs. She is, however, still looking forward to the opportunity to show off her hard work to the Traveler.
She concludes the letter by expressing her hope that they will be present to see her at her big celebration. While players are unable to attend, they can enjoy the treats provided by Noelle in the letter.
- 5x Adventurer’s Experience
- 1x Lighter than Air Pancake
While the Lighter-Than-Air Pancakes aren’t the most powerful revival food, they’re still quite effective. They restore 15% of a fallen character’s Max HP and provide them with an additional 550 HP. These aren’t too difficult to make, so if fans want another, they can always make a Tea Break Pancake with Noelle.
Birthday celebrations on Genshin Impact are always a fun way to see what a character feels, and Noelle’s is definitely one of the nicest.
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