Furina Genshin Impact kit leaks, elemental skill, burst abilities, constellations, voice actor

Furina Genshin Impact kit leaks, elemental skill, burst abilities, constellations, voice actor

Genshin Impact leaker Mero recently revealed the full kit leaks of Furina, including elemental skill, burst, constellations, leaks and more, check out everything below.

Despite all the excitement surrounding fans who are eager to find out all the details, these details are still subject to change.

Furina Genshin Impact kit leaks, elemental skill, burst abilities, constellations, voice actor in English and Japanese

Leaker Mero is a renowned leaker who has had a good track record for leaks so far, and posted the leaks on their official Telegram account.

Furina is voiced by Amber Lee Connors in English, and Inori Minase (水瀬 いのり) in Japanese.


Genshin Impact 4.2 Furina full kit leaks

Furina, who is a Hydro Archon has her Normal Attacks tied to her Arkhe, while her Charged Attack is more specialized, based on her Elemental Skill effects. Given below is a summary of her attacks in Genshin Impact:

  • Arkhe and Normal Attacks

Furina’s Normal Attacks deal Hydro DMG at certain intervals based on her current Arkhe. Players should note that Furina will be Ousia by default when swapped on the field.

  • Charged Attack

Furina’s Charged Attack uses some Stamina to deal damage as well as change the user’s Arkhe (Ousia and Pneuma). Players can also use her Elemental Skill to switch the lineup of her summons following a Charged Attack.

  • Plunging Attack

The Plunging Attack has no special feature and remains the usual.

Leaked Furina Elemental Skill in Genshin Impact 4.2

Furina has quite a complicated Elemental Skill in Genshin Impact 4.2 with two variations:

  • Ousia

The Ousia does Hydro DMG depending on Furina’s Max HP. While using this skill, Furina summons three creatures that attack foes at different intervals, with Hydro DMG, which are also based on Furina’s Max HP. Meanwhile, it causes any allies with over 50% HP will lose their HP. As such, the attack deals more damage based on how many allies lose their HP from this effect.

  • Pneuma

While using this skill, Furina summons entities that heal the active character based on her Max HP.

Player should note that Furina’s Charged Attacks can change her Ousia or Pneuma alignment and also swap out summons.

Leaked Furina Elemental Burst in Genshin Impact 4.2

Furina has a simple Elemental Burst compared to her Elemental Skill. Given below are her Elemental Burst effects:

  • Deals AOE Hydro DMG depending on Furina’s Max HP
  • When an ally’s HP gets altered, Furina receives a buff for increasing damage and incoming healing for all teammates (stacks up to 450 by default)
  • Once the Burst ends, the buff expires along with it
  • Buff amount depends on amount Max HP altered

Leaked Furina Genshin Impact 4.2 Constellations

Given below are Furina’s leaked Constellations effects:

  • C1: Furina automatically receives 150 stacks of her buff from her Elemental Burst meanwhile, her cap increases by another 150
  • C2: When using her Elemental Skill, Furina receives a buff for ten seconds that makes all her Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks inflict Hydro DMG. She receives a further boost of 15% of her Max HP. Moreover, Ousia makes Furina’s attacks heal all allies of 3% based on her current Max HP. Meanwhile, Pneuma makes teammates lose HP to which offers a buff to Furina’s Normal, Charged, or Plunging Attack DMG.
  • C3: +3 levels to Furina’s Elemental Skill
  • C4: If Furina’s Elemental Skill heals an active character or damages a foe, she recovers four Energy once every five seconds
  • C5: +3 to Furina’s Elemental Burst
  • C6: Furina receives an increase in the stacks’ buffs from her Elemental Burst by 200%. Meanwhile, each stack also increases her Max HP by 0.4%,, going up to a maximum of 140%

Leaked Furina Passives in Genshin Impact 4.2

Given below are Furina’s leaked Genshin Impact 4.2 passives:

  • If an active character receives a heal and overflows from another character, Furina will heal an ally for 2% of their Max HP once every two seconds for up to two times
  • Furina receives a buff on her Elemental Skill summons for every 1,000 of her Max HP. The Hydro Archon will receive 0.7% more damage per stack, up to 28% for the Ousia variant, while the Pneuma variant decreases the healing interval by 0.4% for up to 16%
  • Furina receives the ability of a Xenochromatic Fontemer Aberrant which reduces cooldown by 30%

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