From March Madness to the Olympics: Mastering Multisport Viewing with Stacked Monitors

From March Madness to the Olympics: Mastering Multisport Viewing with Stacked Monitors

Are you a sports enthusiast? Then, you’d know that simultaneously keeping up with multiple events can be a real challenge

For others, like professional analysts, this is their job, and the need for an efficient multisport viewing solution is more important than anything else. So, what do you need to ensure the mastering of multisport viewing in this Olympics season?

Indeed, it would help if you had a monitor or any other system that can display the sports. But it’s not just any kind of monitor. You need Stacked Monitors! Stacked monitors are the big missing piece to master multisport viewing (even on the go). But (again), it’s not just any kind of stacked monitor.

It’s the Geminos stacked monitors. They are lightweight, with optimal resolution, have no lagging function, and most of all, the monitors are in 100% sync. That means you don’t have to worry about aligning the monitors or setting up any connection between them. The setup is as easy as ‘on and use.’

So, in this article, we’ll explore the benefits of this setup and how it can help you master multisport viewing. Ready for that? Let’s get into it.

The Rise of Multisport Viewing

Over a hundred games were played during the March madness, but even more will be shown in the Olympics; if you are meant to be streaming each round, you must learn the art of multisport viewing.

Multisport viewing started with the ever-expanding array of sports events happening concurrently, and since its start, it has gained immense popularity. Fans and professionals want to catch every thrilling moment in real-time, from the touchdowns on the football field to the nail-biting finishes in Formula 1 races.

But this is where the challenge arises: Switching between multiple screens or constantly toggling channels can be cumbersome and inefficient.


That’s where stacked monitors come into play.

Stacked Monitors: A Game-Changer

Stacked monitors are just what the name implies—monitors stacked on top of each other. So, instead of having a single monitor, you’ll have two working together like one, which allows you to view up to four sports concurrently. But what are the other benefits?


So you don’t want to watch up to four sports. Perhaps you want to watch two sports chat with your friends in real time while checking the news feed for any new updates. You can do that with a stacked monitor; you don’t have to switch screens or tabs.

Immersive viewing

Do you want to feel right in the middle of the stadium or arena? Stacked monitors can make this possible. All you have to do is align the screen for a more expansive view, and you got it—a Plasma TV!


Better for analysis

If you watch multisports for a more professional purpose, the stacked monitor can help you better evade human errors and inaccuracies. The monitors allow for easier monitoring, erase tab-switching, which affects focus, and, most of all, boost multitasking, enabling you to have live stats, player analytics, and social media feeds displayed on one screen while watching the game on another.


Stacked monitors are highly customizable. You can arrange them vertically or horizontally based on your preference and available space. Also, you can tweak the screen management, allowing you to switch between layouts effortlessly according to your unique taste.


Beyond sports, stacked monitors can boost your productivity in other areas, making them a flexible option. They are ideal for professionals working on multiple applications simultaneously, such as graphic designers, video editors, and stock traders. The versatility of this setup extends beyond sports viewing.


Tips for Setting Up Stacked Monitors for Multisport Viewing

To fully harness the power of stacked monitors for multisport viewing, consider these tips:

  1. Invest in only high-quality monitors with fast response times and minimal bezels
  2. Ensure your monitor has a mounting solution, like a stand, for more stability.
  3. It’s always better to get a stacked monitor with already aligned monitors for a more straightforward setup and shutdown.
  4. Ensure that the monitor has excellent cable management. One or two cables are good enough. More cables mean more clutter.
  5. You might have to do this yourself, but ensure that you calibrate your monitor so that the colors and brightness are not distracting while viewing.


Mastering multisport viewing comes down to your device to view the sports. While stacked monitors, in general, are the best option for you, you have to ensure you’re getting the right stacked monitor as well. Since Geminos from Mobile Pixels fits all the above criteria, it is a great choice. So stack ’em up and start viewing!

