Football Manager 2023: According to the announcement made by Sports Interactive, FM 2023 will be available later on in 2018, know the release date and new features
A lot of people are looking forward to the next game in the FM series. Which is set to come out on November 8 of this year. The beta version will come out two weeks earlier.
Football Manager (FM) 2023 Touch Screenshots Leaks Reveal New Features, Release Date, Platforms
Where Will The Football Manager Game Be Released?
This year, the game will be released on a wide number of additional systems in addition to PC and Mac computers. Which is a change from previous years when it has only been available on those two platforms.
SI has verified that the game will be released on PS5 this year. And it will also be released on Xbox once more, as well as on Game Pass. These are the same platforms on which it was released last year.
And now it has been shown to us what the final design of FM Touch will be when the game is finally released.
Overall, there will be four different iterations of the game to choose from.
A still from 3D Match view 🧐
Screenshot taken from #FM23 Touch on Mac.More Screenshots ➜
— FM Scout (@fmscout) September 15, 2022
The core Football Manager 2023 game will be available for purchase on PC. This version of the game is often referred to as the “bread and butter” of the franchise.
There is also going to be a version of the game called FM23 Console. That will be released on consoles such as PlayStation and Xbox.
As its name suggests, FM23 Mobile is a mobile game that can be downloaded for purchase on both iOS and Google Play.
SI says that the last game, FM23 Touch, can be downloaded on both the Nintendo Switch and the Apple Arcade. There hasn’t been a full list of features revealed yet, but that will happen in October. At that time, you’ll also be able to see how the game plays.
According to FM Scout, we now have a good look at what the match engine is likely to look like when it is finished.
Although it has been modified in a few ways, it appears to be fairly similar to the FM22 match engine. The options for yells, mindset, instructions, and tactics and subs have been relocated and can now be found on top of the names of the players and the stamina bars.
The graphics are quite good for a game that is only available on Apple Arcade and Switch. This could help put your mind at ease about how the game will look when it finally comes out in stores.
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