FFF president Noel Le Graet asked women colleagues for a threesome and caressed their thighs

FFF president Noel Le Graet asked women colleagues for a threesome and caressed their thighs

Radio France released details about the FFF audit on Friday morning, revealing all the accusations against FFF president Noel Le Graet, alleging him of sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviour towards women along with his thirst for a threesome

The French government mandated the investigation on the French FA, and the FFF audit against FFF president Noël Le Graët.

France football president Noel Le Graet asked women colleagues for a threesome and caressed their thighs

Just last month, the 81-year-old stepped back from his duties following backlash regarding his dismissive comments on Zinédine Zidane, along with various testimonies of alleged sexual harassment.


“Bullying and sexual harassment”

Despite several accusations, Le Graët has continued to deny all allegations of inappropriate behaviour. However, this time could be different, as the Paris public prosecutors have jointly opened an investigation over Le Graët for “bullying and sexual harassment”. Moreover, the detailed FFF audit, will be delivered to France’s Sports Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra on Wednesday. This move could finally seal Le Graët’s fate and eventually even force him to resign from his current post.

Inappropriate behaviour towards women

According to Radio France’s investigation unit, the auditors noted how “the repetitive nature of Noël Le Graët’s actions” and how his actions:

Undermined the victims’ dignity through vulgar remarks, in particular when M. Le Graët shows clear signs he is inebriated.”

According to the investigation, Le Graët reportedly once asked a young woman to specifically wear a skirt for a trip. He also reportedly carressed a young woman’s thigh during another trip and continued to do so despite the woman asking him to stop.


Several other testimonies also revealed how Le Graët explicitly suggested a threesome with two female coworkers while at a dinner. Radio France’s report also revealed how Le Graët kept sending invitations to a French women’s national team player. He did this despite just attending his first hearing with the government’s auditors back in October 13.

A harsh but fitting conclusion

The FFF in conclusion stated in their audit that:


Considering his behavior towards women, his public statements and the failures of the governance of the FFF, Noël Le Graët no longer has the necessary legitimacy to administer and represent French football.”

The fact that all those accusations against Le Graët have be proven true put him in a tough spot. And although the concluding remark may seem harsh, it is perfectly fitting in this case.

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