Explained What Is The Crazy Frog Dead Meme Trend On Twitter And Is He Alive

Explained What Is The Crazy Frog Dead Meme Trend On Twitter And Is He Alive

“Crazy Frog Dead” is the newest Twitter craze as users on social media have come up with some of the most humorous theories to explain Crazy Frog’s death or rebirth

“Crazy Frog Dead” is the newest Twitter craze, after admirers of CGI creatures saw him proclaimed dead on a fan page. Users on social media have come up with some of the most humorous theories to explain Crazy Frog’s death or rebirth.

What Is Crazy Frog Dead Meme Trend On Twitter: Death And Alive News


People sympathise with Crazy Frog, even though he isn’t real. Following a post from @CrazyFrogInfo on April 17, several Twitter users discussed Crazy Frog.

What Is Crazy Frog?

Erik Wernquist designed Crazy Frog, also known as The Annoying Thing, in 2003. After a music video titled Axel F went viral, the figure became well-known. The song’s popularity grew to the point that everyone recognised its famous “ting ting.”

With over 3 billion views on YouTube, the song remains the creator’s most popular video.

The cartoon frog has a slew of fan sites and accounts that keep fans and followers up to speed on the latest Crazy Frog news. These fan page accounts have everything, whether it’s about a new video or a make-believe narrative.

Why Is Crazy Frog Dead Trending?

The animated frog has a slew of fan sites and accounts that keep fans and followers up to speed on the latest Crazy Frog news. These fan page accounts have everything, whether it’s about a new video or a make-believe narrative.

Similarly, the frog’s death was announced on Twitter by a fan page with the user ID @CrazyFrogInfo. The tweet, which has over 360k likes and 40k retweets, reads:


Crazy Frog has died.

The page also stated that it will update with any new information on the suspected death, as well as the following comment:

Will follow up with updates if/when I get confirmation.

The tweet alleging the frog’s death went viral, and Twitter users reacted in droves. The rumour didn’t take long to reach the original Crazy Frog’s Twitter account, which replied to @CrazyFrogInfo’s post, thereby trying to put an end to the story. He replied,

I don’t think so.

The “Crazy Frog Dead” craze, on the other hand, has already spread like wildfire over the platform.

The message sparked a flurry of activity among Crazy Frog enthusiasts, who took to Twitter to share memes. The majority of the memes revolved around the character’s (false) death and rebirth.

Because Easter is observed to mark Jesus’ return from death, many people have connected the “Crazy Frog Dead” craze to Christ’s resurrection. On April 17, 2022, people celebrated the occasion.

It was then discovered by Twitter users that this was not the first time the Crazy Frog had been thought dead. In a tweet dated June 22, 2021, the same account made a similar allegation.

Fortunately, Crazy Frog is still alive (although in animation) and will perhaps produce new songs for its followers.


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