Explained What Is Roid Rage, Meaning And Does Vladimir Putin Have The Mental Disorder Disease

Explained What Is Roid Rage, Meaning And Does Vladimir Putin Have The Mental Disorder Disease

Allegations in western media that Russian President Vladimir Putin is suffering from roid rage, know its meaning and definition

It is also called dementia and Parkinson’s disease in other parts of the world.

According to recent media claims in western nations citing intelligence sources, Russian President Vladimir Putin is suffering from roid rage which is a side effect of cancer steroid therapy. It is also called dementia and Parkinson’s disease in other parts of the world.

The allegations reference Kremlin sources as well as top members of the Five Eyes intelligence partnership, which includes Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Russian President Vladimir Putin Said To Be Suffering From Roid Rage Mental Disorder Disease

According to reports, the brain condition might provide a “physiological explanation” for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggression in his decision to invade Ukraine, which has been denounced by governments throughout the world.


Putin’s muscular body and physical health have long been a component of how he presents himself to the Russian people and the rest of the world, with him famously riding a horse naked to demonstrate his virility.

However, apart from this muscular strong man image, Putin is a renowned hypochondriac who has gone to great lengths to avoid catching COVID-19, like sitting at one end of an unusually long table with other global leaders or his senior aides at the other.

He’s also been reported to visit a Moscow hospital with coronavirus patients while dressed in a complete hazmat suit. Some sources also said that his COVID-19 precautions are a result of his suspected illnesses.

Explained What Is Roid Rage, Meaning, Definition And Symptoms

The phrase ‘roid rage’ refers to an outbreak of fury, hostility, or violence that may be traced back to the usage of anabolic steroids.


Researchers seeking to uncover a pattern in a succession of high-profile crimes of violence committed by bodybuilders coined the phrase in the mid-1980s. However, the relationship between steroid use and ‘roid rage’ is unclear, according to the study.

While steroid usage can result in physical consequences such as liver damage or high cholesterol, evidence on the relationship between steroid abuse and uncontrolled psychotic episodes known as ‘roid rage’ is inconclusive.

Its Symptoms

  • A hostile attitude
  • Instability of mood
  • Crazed conduct
  • Visual and auditory hallucinations
  • Delusions and irrational thinking

Causes Of Roid Rage

The causes of roid rage are still unknown, while there is evidence that genetics, behavioural circumstances, or a mix of both may play a role. There’s also the possibility that the sickness has multiple causes. Scientists believe that the condition is caused by a combination of genetics and behavioural in the majority of persons who have it.

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