Explained New Viral Protein Bor James Boyle Trend Meaning On TikTok

Explained New Viral Protein Bor James Boyle Trend Meaning On TikTok

Another day, another Tiktok trend. This time Protein Bor has taken over the FYP page of Tiktok, know its meaning

Tiktok users have come up with yet another viral trend. This time, “Protein Bor.” has taken the video-sharing platform by storm. You will find people commenting “Protein Bor” under the videos randomly. Protein Bor seemingly started to show up Under numerous workout videos on TikTok out of nowhere and without cause.

New Viral Protein Bor James Boyle Trend Meaning On TikTok

But where did it come from? Read more to find out!


James Doyle, The Protein Bor Guy

20-year-old health and fitness enthusiast, James Doyle aka “Protein Bor Papi” is from the Republic of Ireland. He runs a fitness account on Tiktok and has a large following of 122K followers. in his Tiktok posts, Doyle regularly posts gym clips, funny workout memes, and reviews about powders, yoghurts, biscuits, and other items that claim to be protein-rich.

However, his recent video about a protein bar review has taken special attention of TikTok users. In a short period of time, Doyle has hit 100,000 followers on Tiktok because of this video.

Doyle hails from Mullingar, Ireland and has a very prominent accent. James pronounces “bars” in a way that makes it sound like he is saying “bors,” which is where the viral trend started. Some users have also created a compilation of every time James Doyle said “bors”.


Doyle has expressed his gratitude to the Tiktok users for the success of his video. He said, “Not in a million years did I expect this, Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” He also said, “I don’t know what to make of it… I didn’t mean for any of this to happen but keep it lit! We’re in motion.”

Doyle also apologised to the users whose comment sections have been racked up with “protein bor” for no reason whatsoever.

Twitter’s Take on The Trend

The Tiktok trend has reached Twitter. Fans are sharing their opinions about the recent trend.


“I feel like an alien dropped to earth what the heck is this “protein bor” thing I feel so out of the loop” wrote an user.