Dreaming Freedom chapter 149 release date, time, spoilers and where to read online

Dreaming Freedom chapter 149 release date, time, spoilers and where to read online

Chapter 149 of the popular ongoing Manhwa Dreaming Freedom will be out soon, know its release date, time, spoilers and where to read it here

In the previous chapter, fans saw that Jeongmin asked Siyoon if he still has the dreaming abilities. He replied that he had not since he broke up with Jeongmin. However, he once tried it before coming to meet Jeongmin. If you are also following the Dreaming Freedom manga and are excited about Chapter 149, you have come to the right place. Let’s have a look at the release date and other details of the upcoming chapter.

Dreaming Freedom chapter 149 release date, time, leaks, spoilers and where to read online

Siyoon told Jeongmin that his life is no longer that difficult to rely on dreams. Jeongmin said that she did not know what that ability was but maybe that was a string of fate. That string connected both of them who were completely unrelated. There were times when Siyoon thought that this ability was creepy, however, he was able to meet Jeongmin because of it. He wished that this dreaming ability could be transferred to someone else besides him. That person should be desperate but not an abuser like him in the past.


Jeongming and Siyoon arrived at the theatre for his movie premiere. Jeongmin asked if she could also go to the waiting room. Siyoon replied that he was bringing his family, so it was okay. Siyoon’s old friends Jibin and others were also there.

Dreaming Freedom Chapter 149 release date and time

Fans will be happy to know that the release date of the popular romantic manhwa Dreaming Freedom (Free in Dreams)  Chapter 149 is July 16, 2024. You can read this chapter at the given times:

  • Australia Standard Time: at 2:00 p.m.
  • Philippines Standard Time:  11.00 p.m.
  • Singapore Standard Time: 12 p.m.
  • Indian Standard Time:  2:30 p.m.
  • Central Standard Time:  8.00 a.m

Where can you read Dreaming Freedom Chapter 149?

Fans can read the manhwa Dreaming Freedom Chapter 149 on the webtoon. Siyoon thanked his friend for lending him the script of the movie Dreaming Freedom. It was the same script that he used to tease Jeonmin that he was going to do a bed scene. It seems that Siyoon’s abilities have been transferred to the pink-haired girl. She met Siyoon at the department store and her sister committed suicide too.

byu/Particular-Live inMaleYandere


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