Doge meme meaning, dog breed, history and origin explained as Twitter changes logo

Doge meme meaning, dog breed, history and origin explained as Twitter changes logo

“Doge” is one of the few internet memes that has had as much cultural impact and become as well-known as it has, know the meaning of the meme and the breed of the dog

The cute Shiba Inu dog, often portrayed with “doge-speak” captions that express its thoughts, has garnered the affection of millions of people worldwide. However, how did this meme come to be, and what led to its massive popularity?

Doge meme meaning, dog breed, history and origin explained after Twitter changes logo


A recent article on ChatGPT says that the doge meme started in a 2005 episode of the web series Homestar Runner. In that episode, the word “doge” was used as a funny misspelling of “dog.” But the meme didn’t really take off until 2010, when a Japanese kindergarten teacher named Atsuko Sato posted pictures of her Shiba Inu dog Kabosu on her blog. One of these photos, which showed Kabosu giving a curious sideways glance, would later become the most famous image of the meme.

By October 2010, the image was on Reddit, where a user posted it with the caption “LMBO LOOK AT THIS FUKKEN DOGE.” Even though it’s not clear if the user meant to misspell “dog,” the name “doge” stuck, and the meme started to spread. Soon, people were making their own memes with different pictures of Shiba Inus and captions that said what they were thinking.

The Evolution of Doge Meme

Over time, the doge meme got more complicated. Captions started using a special language called “doge-speak,” which included words like “such,” “many,” and “very.” Dogecoin, a form of digital currency based on the meme, became popular in 2013 and 2014.


The meme’s humor didn’t solely rely on its use in jokes and satire. According to the ChatGPT article, people have utilized photoshopped images of the doge to comment on politics, culture, and society. And outside of the internet, the word “doge” has become a common way to talk about dogs in general, especially those with funny or strange habits.

The controversies surrounding meme

Even though the doge meme is very popular, it has also been at the centre of some problems. Some critics have said that it encourages bad grammar and language use, and others have said that it uses funny animal pictures for no good reason.

Despite these complaints, though, it’s clear that the doge meme has made an indelible mark on the culture of the internet. Even if its popularity goes up and down over time, the cute Shiba Inu dog and its unique way of talking (called “doge-speak”) are likely to continue to win the hearts of internet users for many years to come.


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