The legal drama involving Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has captivated the world in recent weeks, and a meme has surfaced picturing the Pirates of the Caribbean actor as Genshin Impact during the trial
MiHoYo’s free-to-play epic is currently one of the most popular games on the planet. Because the next chapter release 2.7 has been delayed, the Ayaka character banner has been extended. The Pirates of the Caribbean actor was seen painting and eating gummy bears instead of using his phone.
Johnny Depp and Genshin Impact Meme Viral On Twitter
During the official trial, Johnny Depp did not play Genshin Impact. He could only play the game on his phone, and there are strong restrictions barring the presence and use of cellphones in court.
Johnny Depp caught playing Genshin during trial
— Genshin Memepact (@paimonmemepact) May 6, 2022
Dayyum make me wanna C6 Xiao😅
— Husney (@husney86) May 6, 2022
A hilarious meme has surfaced depicting Johnny Depp playing Genshin Impact in court. Sirius Life, a YouTuber, created the meme. It’s also gone viral on Reddit. Depp is seen staring down, and his arms and hands are partially obscured by a computer screen, giving the impression that he is interacting with something. And this actor’s film is juxtaposed with Genshin Impact gameplay featuring Xiao.
Some people thought the YouTube video was real, while others joked about the actor needing to finish his daily communications.
Of course, TikTok and reddit can be utilised for educational purposes. Practically every social media platform can. This is not the case, however. It’s being used to sell us memes, response videos, and out-of-context clips as light entertainment. This is possibly the most literal court of public opinion ever: all we see in court is public opinion, with very little of the actual example.
We’ve all seen the video of Depp scratching his nose and smiling to himself after being asked a question. We’ve all seen this reported as a significant triumph for Johnny Depp in his battle with the lawyer’s nonsense. Depp may have been almost fully the victim in his suit.
And there may have been a mountain of evidence given in court. But what has the general public seen of the trial beyond a few snippets of Depp allegedly giving his lawyers the runaround and naming his celebrity friends?
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