Destiny 2 Weekly Reset Time And Day UK, Australia, Eastern, Central List

Destiny 2 Weekly Reset Time And Day UK, Australia, Eastern, Central List

Destiny 2 content is continually changing to keep things interesting for players, know about the weekly reset time

The game has a weekly reset every week, which resets the activities, Eververse story, and vendor inventories. The weekly reset does not change every facet of the game, but players will look forward to it because it resets their weekly activity awards, giving them a new chance at better gear.

Destiny 2 Weekly Reset Time And Day UK, Australia, Eastern, Central Full List

When does the Destiny 2 weekly reset happen?

The weekly reset has the advantage of occurring at the same time for all players each week. The exact timing depends on where gamers are located throughout the world, however it will occur every Wednesday or Thursday depending on their location.

On Tuesdays at 5:00 PM UTC, 10:00 AM PST, 1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM GMT, & 7:00 PM CET, the weekly reset occurs. Time is affected by daylight savings.


The weekly reset not only lets players to complete their weekly bounties or assignments, but it also resets a variety of aspects of the game. The reset affects every aspect of the game, so players should make sure they collect all of their outstanding rewards before the week is up.

The following items in Destiny 2 will reset each week when the weekly reset occurs:

  • Weekly Nightfall strikes and modifiers, including weekly bounties and challenges
  • Eververse Stock
  • Vanguard bounties, challenges and modifiers
  • Crucible playlists, bounties and challenges
  • Trials of Osiris – will reset on the card
  • Gambit bounties and challenges
  • Clan rewards progress
  • Challenges such as Wellspring, Dares of Eternity, and Battlegrounds
  • Raids, as well as dungeons, will reset and players will need to make their progress again
  • Locations with special events such as the Moon and Dreaming City

The Guardian Games are one of the biggest reasons players are looking forward to upcoming weekly reset, which will take place on Tuesday, May 3 at 5:00 PM UTC.


These unique games are pitting different classes against one another will commence on that day’s server reset. This will allow the players to obtain excellent stuff such as the fantastic upcoming SMG The Title.

Players may expect daily vendor refreshes in addition to a myriad of events and playlist items updating each week. Players, especially those hunting for excellent mods, will still want to check in with these dealers every day. Vendors like ADA-1 will reset their inventory to provide players who missed out on particular modules a second chance.

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