A cheating couple in the suspense series Delete discovers a phone with the power to delete people’s memories, leading them to hatch a nefarious plot with the Thai Netflix series release date out
Ice-Natara Nopparatayapon plays a pivotal role in the show, while several other actors play crucial supporting roles. Oh-Parkpoom Wongpoom, who directed Shutter, Alone, 4bia, and many more, is in charge of it.
Delete Netflix Thai series episode 1 release date, time, cast, plot story, where to watch ep eng sub online
A too-good-to-be-true experiment goes horribly wrong in this Thai thriller 💉💤 Be careful not to go in too DEEP on July 16 🥶 pic.twitter.com/l6uPdeEgMh
— Netflix Philippines (@Netflix_PH) July 14, 2021
The launch of Delete, a new Netflix thriller series, will take place at 3 a.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, June 28, 2023.
Trailer and Know more about Delete
On June 8, 2023, Netflix dropped a trailer for the show, giving viewers a taste of the many pivotal moments they may expect to see in the new show. An unnerving sequence in which a woman requests a photo from another female stranger opens the teaser. When she does, the photographed woman vanishes without a trace.
The trailer establishes the show’s idea, but it avoids giving away any key plot points that would disappoint viewers. The teaser consistently keeps a sinister tone that fans of atmospheric films are sure to appreciate. Netflix provides the following synopsis of the program:
“Have you ever wanted to erase a person from your life? In the foreboding world of DELETE, this capacity is within reach, thanks to a mysterious gadget that can wipe a person from existence. Contact with this potentially destructive force quickly reveals its ability to bring out the worst in people.”
The Director of Delete
According to the official trailer and synopsis, the show is a character-driven drama that delves deep into several hard topics, including adultery and marriage. According to Netflix quotes from series director Parkpoom Wongpoom on the show’s themes:
“The thrilling and fascinating plot of DELETE centers on the shadowy corners of humanity, especially when interpersonal complexities are at play. The narrative delves into the intriguing query, “If we could make anyone disappear, would we?”
The Cast of Delete
One of the main characters in the thriller series is played by Ice-Natara Nopparatayapon. His personality fits that of a wealthy scion. In addition to that, there are currently no publicized specifics about his function. Other films in which he appeared include Diary of Tootsies, Gasohug.., Voice, and One for the Road.
Alongside him in the cast is actor Nat Kitcharit, who plays a famous author. There’s much more to learn about him as a person. Kitcharit’s acting resume includes roles in a wide variety of films, including Hurts Like Hell, Happy Ending, and Forbidden. Fah-Sarika Sartsilpsupa, Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying, and a plethora of others also play key roles.