Delete Netflix Thai drama series 2023 ending explained and plot story

Delete Netflix Thai drama series 2023 ending explained and plot story

The Thai TV drama series Delete was created by Parkpoom Wongpoom, who also served as showrunner, director, and writer, know its ending explained

There are 8 episodes total, and each one is about 45 minutes long.

The harshness of life finally hits Lilly as she acquires a weird phone with magical abilities. She and Aim play a risky game of who to cut out and who to keep while harboring an adulterous romance that might destroy everything. However, there are risks associated with either option.

Delete Netflix Thai drama series season 1 2023 ending explained and plot story


How Does the Delete Ending Work? Who Gets “Deleted” in This Complicated Game of Disappearances?

The story of Delete begins with an affair between Aim and Lilly, of which neither of their spouses is aware. However, they are both aware of the adultery and make concerted efforts to conceal it. When the truth is revealed, however, complications arise, including Lilly’s discovery that she is carrying Aim’s child.

Delete Series Ending Explained

On her way to meet Aim later that evening, she runs into a girl who requests her to take her picture before suddenly disappearing. She and Aim at first don’t understand that the camera can kill people and that Aim intended to use it to eliminate everyone who stands in the way of their happily ever after.

But on the night she was scheduled to leave Too, Lilly mysteriously disappears, and the police show up at their house, suspecting Aim and Too of being involved in her disappearance. Lilly’s kleptomaniac sister-in-law June quickly gets ahold of the camera and uses it at school against a student, drawing the attention of the authorities and leading them to the school. While Aim and Too look for Lilly, a masked stranger begins to harass and beat up people in quest for the missing phone.


Aim slowly realizes he deleted Orn, but Lilly stays with Too. To make amends, he asks Too to remove him, restoring Orn. In the final scene, irritated Lilly discovers a secret area under the stable with boxes of murdered women’s skeletons. After Too gets rid of all the bones, he realizes that Lilly is hidden nearby, watching the whole affair. Too’s father may be involved with the murdered ladies. The last scene is just horses neighing ferociously.

How does the Camera work in the series Delete

The camera removes anyone you point it at but not yourself. Deleted people might return if their deleter is deleted. Lilly initially erased the supermarket girl. Aim erased Orn. To get his daughter (the supermarket girl), the cop removed Lilly at the end. To remove the cop to get Lilly back, bringing June back. Finally, Too deletes Aim, restoring Orn, and removes the basement corpses.

Not sure, she may be alive or dead. Too could erase her, but he loves her, so he might not. The finale is ambiguous. Lilly and Aim lied because she was devastated after her miscarriage and Too’s abuse. She selected Too because she was still in love with him and wanted to try again after he accepted her and the baby.
