Damn Reincarnation chapter 65 release date, time, Reddit spoilers, where to read online

Damn Reincarnation chapter 65 release date, time, Reddit spoilers, where to read online

The fans are excited for Damn Reincarnation chapter 65 whose release date is finally out now

Fans of the series are eagerly awaiting the next installment after knowing that Eugene nearly lost to Amelia Merwin. That’s why they’re wondering when they can read Damn Reincarnation Chapter 65.

Damn Reincarnation Chapter 65 release date, time, Reddit spoilers, leaks, where to read online

Get ready for Damn Reincarnation Chapter 65 which is all set to release on August 30, 2023, at 12 am KST.

  • According To Pacific Standard Time: August 29, 8:00 am
  • According To Central European Time: August 29, 5:00 pm
  • According To Indian Standard Time: August 29, 8:30 pm
  • According To Philippines Standard Time: August 29, 11:00 pm
  • According To Singapore Standard Time: August 29, 11:00 pm
  • According To Japanese Standard Time: August 30, 12:00 am

What Exactly Happened in Chapter 64

She assures him she will keep his head above water so he can breathe, and she has no intention of killing him. He can expect her to force his eyes and mouth wide open. Soon after that, his tongue will dry up and look like a branch, and his eyes will shatter.


His legs will be broken and twisted into one long string, and he will be her desert dummy from then on. She now has all she needs to insert metal pins into his fingers.

She instructs him to maintain his arms wide from the tips of his fingers all the way up his arms, across his shoulders, and down to the points of his hands.


She claims that he won’t be able to understand what’s happening because his life would already be shattered. Even so, he’ll be able to feel it, and it won’t be so numbing that he can’t.

He also claims that the shock is killing him right now. But she insists he won’t perish because she simply won’t let it. He’ll have to play dead in the desert until she gets tired of looking at him.

Where You Can Read Damn Reincarnation Chapter 65

Damn Reincarnation Chapter 65, along with the rest of the most recent chapters, will be available on Tapas at the hours and dates we’ve specified.
