Cyberpunk Edgerunners Netflix Anime Season 1 Ending Explained, Spoilers And Plot Story

Cyberpunk Edgerunners Netflix Anime Season 1 Ending Explained, Spoilers And Plot Story

The ending to the latest anime series on Netflix – Cyberpunk Edgerunners was a bit confusing and some fans may need to be explained whether or not Lucy and David survived the final battle

Netflix’s latest original series from CD Projekt RED and Studio Trigger, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners has hit new levels of popularity ever since its launch.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners Netflix Anime Season 1 Ending Explained, Spoilers, Plot Story

Edgerunners has earned impressive reviews from fans and critics alike. The series doesn’t disappoint with presenting all of the extreme violence, gore and adult content that fans of the Cyberpunk franchise are familiar with.

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Ending Explained

In the final episode of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, i.e. episode 10 “My Moon My Man”, Faraday and the infamous Smasher Adam meet with the heads of the Arasaka corporation to exchange the data.

Faraday unexpectedly brings Lucy to the deal explaining that the data is stored in Lucy’s memory. He further states that she is “alive, and worth the full million as agreed.”

The Arasaka member then threatens Faraday, and Faraday threatens him back, following which the tension in the room raises further. The corporation now claims that Faraday has failed in his assignment, whether or not he hands over Lucy peacefully.

While all this takes place, David suddenly appears in the room using the Sandevistan to gain entry. With his new Mili-Tech mech suit, he opens fire on the surrounding guards. Adam Smasher steps into the chaos to save the Arasaka member.

The Final Face Off

Adam Smasher and David face off against one another, using all of their cybernetic enhancements within the first few milliseconds. Smasher injures David in the intense brawl, but he manages to escape through a window with Lucy.


As they fall, they talk about his new suit. Lucy says that she “never wanted any of this, I never wanted to watch you die.”

To which David replies:

It’s the only way I could protect you from this damn city. Just too many I couldn’t save before. My mom, Maine, and the others in our crew. I couldn’t let that happen. Not to you, too…I ain’t worth it Lucy. Besides you, I got nothing left. But you still have a dream to stick around for. I need you to see it through. That’s my dream. Honestly, nothing else ever really mattered.

David and Lucy reunite with their remaining crew, who are pinned down by the police force. After laying Lucy in the back of their truck, Adam Smasher suddenly appears and smashes down on Rebecca.

Rebecca’s violent death triggers David’s Sandevistan enhancement as he fights Adam Smasher again in the rubble of Night City. Meanwhile, Falco takes Lucy and tries to escape while telling her that David made him promise to keep her safe if the fight with Adam Smasher doesn’t go to plan.

David grows weaker every second thanks to the effects of Cyberpsychosis but continues to bravely fight against the super-soldier. Lucy and Falco escape, but Adam Smasher is too powerful for David and he begins ripping out his enhancements.

David is left lying defenceless on the ground in pieces. The scene then pulls up to a short montage of David’s moments from season 1 right before Adam Smasher kills him by putting a bullet through his now mostly-metal head.


In the next scene, the camera pulls all the way out to the moon. We then see that Lucy has embarked on a tour of the satellite just as she promised David. The scene presumably takes place at least several weeks since his death.

Lucy takes the opportunity to wander out onto the Moon’s surface, where she hallucinates that David is alongside her. The series ends with Lucy holding out her arms, feeling the heat of the sun.

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Reviews

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners has been an absolute success. The first noteworthy praise is the animation and score, which is arguably amongst Studio Trigger’s best work to date. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is a gorgeous anime with the neon-lit Night City never looking so beautiful.

The score is also outstanding, from the opening and closing themes to the in-series background tracks. The music featured in the series is probably one of the most well-suited soundtracks in Netflix’s recent anime history.

The world of Cyberpunk is all about style and swag. Getting its stunning visuals and music right was probably one of the most important aspects of production. Along with the well-directed action sequences and character designs Edgerunners is truly a treat for the senses.


However, the series lacks a little in writing and pacing. Though the show opens up with a dramatic and tragic opening episode, its break-beck pace continues right up until the very last episode. It never gives the characters a chance to truly breathe outside of major plot points.

YouTuber MoistCr1tikal stated in a review

 I feel like there was a lot that they wanted to tell and only [had] a short time to tell it

It’s a 10-episode series, which is pretty normal length but I really feel like they wanted something bigger. So they condensed all these massive story beats into really small chunks…They hit you so quickly over the head with a lot of exposition that you kind of roll your eyes at some of the writing.

In general, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is a fantastic anime series with brilliant action scenes and visuals. But viewers eventually get blown away in later episodes with an intense story of revenge and love in a cybernetic world.

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