Chat GPT Not Working Due To Internal Server Error Fix Explained

Chat GPT Not Working Due To Internal Server Error Fix Explained

The OpenAI’s, Chat GPT, is continuously taking over social media as the users are going gaga over it ever since it was launched on November 30, 2022, know what to do if its not working

The social media users are once again taking the platform like a storm because of ChatGPT, however, this time to express that they aren’t able to use the bot.

The users took to the platform and revealed that the AI bot isn’t working for them as they seem to be facing some internal server error.

Chat GPT Not Working Or Logging In Due To Internal Server Error Fix Explained

For those who are facing the same issue, here we’re going to explore the 4 Potential Fixes of the issue.

Let us remind you, since the launch of ChatGPT, the AI bot has reached over more than 1 million users within just 5 days.

The Artificial Intelligence robot which lets one create their basic pages of a website, write essays and create resumes has been created by Open AI company.

As of now the company hasn’t addressed the issue however as per social media users claims, they are definitely having issues in using the bot.

One such troubled user took to Twitter and penned, “The server is currently not performing optimally due to the exponential growth of users in recent days.”


Another user added, “Chat GPT seems to be down. 1 million new users in 6 days is pretty insane, servers must be overloaded. For reference it took Twitter 4+ months to get 1 million users.”

A third one quipped, “ChatGPT down and I don’t even know what to do with my life anymore.”

For those who are unversed, let us tell you, the issue might be that there are too many requests from the users.

Another issue of ChatGPt not working could be that a user must have to sign up before using it as the prompt message reads, “You must sign up for an OpenAI account before proceeding.”

Which simply means a user needs to create an account with the brand and also need to verify the email address provided in order to use the AI bot.

Potential Fixes

Without any further delay, let’s get into the details of Potential Fixes as here we are going to reveal a list of potential fixes for the persistent issue of Chat GPT.

Create an account


As aforesaid, before using the Chat GPT, users need to create an account and verify their email ID.

Verity your mobile number

For those who are unsure, let us tell you, a user needs to provide a mobile number in order to Verify their account and to use the bot.

Log out of your account

For those who are still facing the issue, try logging out of the web account and then try to re-login.

Clear your cache

If you’re still facing the issue, try to delete or clear your cache from your search history in your device which you’re using for chatbot.


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