Bodycam video footage shows Audrey Hale Nashville Covenant School shooter being shot by police and dead body pictures

Bodycam video footage shows Audrey Hale Nashville Covenant School shooter being shot by police and dead body pictures

Nashville police officers Rex Engelbert and Michael Collazo’s bodycam footage show the moment Covenant school shooting suspect Audrey Hale was killed in the Nashville school shooting along with her dead body pictures

Audrey Hale, a former student at Covenant School, shot and killed students and staff yesterday. This was a terrible event for Nashville.

Three nine-year-old children were among the six people who died. Officers Rex Engelbert and Michael Collazo were among the first to arrive at the scene of the attack, and now the public can see the footage from their body cameras.

Bodycam video footage shows Audrey Hale Nashville Covenant School shooter being shot by police and dead body photos


The video shows the two officers taking the gunman down and trading shots with him. Even though there were no children in the video, it shows how quickly the police officers responded and how dangerous it was for them to do so.

The suspect, Audrey Hale, was killed in what looks like an atrium on the second floor of the school. The police chief said that the suspect was a transgender man who used to go to the school and had never been in trouble with the law. Hale went to school once, and his neighbours said that he was a normal, “quiet” family member who didn’t like guns.

Details emerge about the Nashville school shooting: How the attack unfolded

The Nashville school shooting tragedy began when Hale drove their Honda Fit to school. The car drove through the parking lot and up to the building, which was caught on security footage.

Police say that Hale was able to break into the Covenant’s first-floor school door, where the shots were fired, before going upstairs. Police say the first call to 911 about gunfire came at 10:13 a.m.


As police stormed the campus, the shooter opened fire from a second-story window on the police who were coming. The police went into the building and started getting people out. As the police were clearing out the building, they heard gunshots coming from the second floor.

They went to a common area on the second floor and met Hale there. Hale was killed when two police officers opened fire on him. The tragedy of Nashville school shooting on Monday lasted for about 14 minutes.

Late on Monday night, police released an edited surveillance video of the killer’s car driving to school. Also the video is about two minutes long and shows the car from different angles, including one where you can see kids playing on a swing in the background.

Community mourns the tragic loss of six victims

The people of Nashville are sad about the people who were killed in the Nashville school shooting . Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, and William Kinney were all 9 years old when the attack happened. The principal, Katherine Koonce, was 60 years old, and Cynthia Peak and Mike Hill were both 61.

The shooting is still being looked into. People in Nashville are coming together to help the victims’ families and friends. The public will be able to see how quickly the police responded and how dangerous it was for them to do so. This is because the body cam footage will be made public. The sad school shooting in Nashville will be remembered for a long time.


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