Athulya Ashokan who mocked The Kerala story posts Instagram story claiming she is under threat from her husband after marriage

Athulya Ashokan who mocked The Kerala story posts Instagram story claiming she is under threat from her husband after marriage

Athulya Ashokan who belittled The Kerala Story Instagram account transitioned to private shortly after her recent social media story raised concerns about her well-being and safety regarding her marriage and husband

The development has given rise to speculations and heightened worries regarding the influencer’s situation, especially considering that her Instagram story, which implicated Mansoor, was deleted soon after being posted.

Athulya Ashokan who mocked The Kerala story posts Instagram story claiming she is under threat from her husband after marriage and conversion

Reason Behind the Action

On Wednesday, nearly 24 hours after the uproar caused by her alarming message, where she held her husband responsible for events in her life, the Kerala-based internet personality’s Instagram profile became ‘private,’ limiting access to existing followers only.


In a Tuesday Instagram story, she stated, “Whatever happens to me, no one in my family is responsible. Only him @marz___12 (Risal Mansoor).” These startling words were swiftly removed after a small number of active followers took note of them and shared screenshots on various social media platforms.

Is Her Account Hacked?

The deletion of the Instagram story, coupled with the decision to make the profile private, has raised doubts about whether someone else has assumed control of Athulya’s account, potentially restricting her ability to use the platform to express her current situation and compromising her freedom.

However, it remains uncertain if another individual is managing her account and implementing these changes.


Who is Athulya Ashokan?

Athulya Ashokan, a popular Kerala-based influencer known for her lip-sync and dance reels, got married earlier this year. The 23-year-old Hindu woman, who often shared posts featuring traditional attire, bindi, and kumkum, married Risal Mansoor, a Muslim engineer, in April 2023.

Their inter-religious wedding drew parallels to the film ‘The Kerala Story,’ which explored the theme of a Hindu woman converting to Islam after marrying a Muslim man and facing consequences. As Athulya became Alia through marriage, people connected her situation to the movie.

Following the recent Instagram story, concerns for the influencer’s well-being have intensified. The true meaning or Implications of Athulya’s Instagram story are yet to be verified.

While some fear for her safety, others speculate that the message could be a premeditated attempt to challenge Islamophobic narratives.


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