Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Emotes Full List, How To Use And Change

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Emotes Full List, How To Use And Change

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands maintains the game practice of allowing players to flaunt their emotes

Borderlands 3 was the first game in the series to allow characters to use emotes to dance their hearts out or taunt others. This latest instalment inside the Borderlands franchise has maintained the same level of vigour.

In Wonderlands, there is no explicit instruction on how to use emotes. When it comes to finding out, players would have to fend for themselves. However, using them is as simple as going to the fast menu and selecting one.

In Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, how to use emotes

Players may access their emotes & choose which one they want to use using a simple function. They must access the fast menu, which has a different button depending on the system.


Holding down the settings button on the PlayStation will be required. By holding the start button down, Xbox players can access the fast menu. To access that menu on a PC, press the Z key.

The emote wheel is now active. Players in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands can use the wheel to cycle between their active emotes and select the action they want to express at the time. While only four emotes are currently available in the game, more are set to be released in the time to come as new updates role in after the release of the game.

How do you alter your emotes?

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands allows you to customise the available emotes. Players can expand their options by adding more, removing ones they don’t want to utilise, or replacing them with new favourites.


Players must travel to Brighthoof to modify them. Assist with the removal of skeletons from the town. To obtain the Sword of Souls, complete the following assignment. This will formally assist players in clearing the town.

Players should head to Izzy’s Bar once Brighthoof has returned to normal. Izzy, speak with the proprietor. They’ll be directed to the quick-change station by her. Players can customise their emotes here.

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