While enemies and friends alike have banded together to save the world from Eren Jaeger’s wrath, the critically acclaimed anime series Attack on Titan is coming to an end, know the release date of season 4 episode 28
Will the allied forces be able to save humanity, or will the world be forever free of Titans? Every week, Attack on Titan delivers engrossing plot twists that keep viewers glued to the screen. Notably, Attack On Titan season 4 is also the anime series’ final season.
As the show nears its conclusion, fans have grown curious about how many episodes of Attack on Titan remain to air.
How Many Episodes Of Attack On Titan Are Left?
While the number of episodes in Attack On Titan season 4 has not been confirmed by the producers, it has been reported that Part 2 of the show consists of approximately 28 episodes in total. If the reports are correct, the show’s finale will most likely air on April 4. It is important to note that the number of episodes in Attack On Titan season 4 may be increased if the creators make a last-minute change.
Attack On Titan Season 4 Episode 28 Release Date And Time, Where To Watch And Story
The upcoming episode of Attack on Titan Season 4, Episode 28: “The Dawn of Humanity”) will be released on Sunday, April 3, 2022 and in Japan on Monday, April 4,
Watch Attack On Titan Series Finale On Hulu Date And Time
Season 4 Episode 28 of Attack on Titan will be available on Hulu on Sunday, April 3rd. There has been no official confirmation of an exact release date for Attack on Titan’s series finale on Hulu, but based on recent history, we know it will be available on the platform. If Season 4, Episode 28 follows the same release schedule as previous episodes, the AOT series finale will premiere on Hulu on Sunday, April 3 at 3:45 p.m. ET.
Watch Attack On Titan Series Finale Online
New episodes of Attack on Titan not only premiere on Hulu (for a monthly fee of $6.99), but also on Crunchyroll and Funimation on Sundays at 3:45 p.m. ET/2:45 p.m. CT. You can also watch AOT Season 4 if you have an active Crunchyroll (starting at $7.99) or Funimation (starting at $5.99) subscription. Both services provide free trials to qualified subscribers.