Genshin Impact 2.6 Livestream Update, Release Date, How To Watch, Leaks, Reruns

Genshin Impact 2.6 Livestream Update, Release Date, How To Watch, Leaks, Reruns

The Genshin Impact Update Livestreams are a huge part of the community surrounding the massively popular MiHoYo game, but when is the 2.6 Livestream

miHoYo will be giving players a number of different updates surrounding the game when the 2.6 Livestream is revealed, and players are eagerly anticipating what the developers will be adding for the third update of 2022.

Update 2.5 is expected to be released into Genshin Impact during late February-early March 2022, so we’ve got a good idea of when we can expect the Livestream and official release of Update 2.6.

Genshin Impact 2.6 Livestream Release Date

The 2.4 Update Livestream took held on Sunday, December 26th, little over two weeks before the update was released to the game’s servers. With that timeline in mind, we anticipate the 2.6 Livestream going live in mid-March 2022, possibly on Friday the 11th or Friday the 18th.

The devs generally release the Livestream for the current version of the game on Friday, but the 2.4 Update was a one-off due to the holiday season. The 2.6 update will be released on March 30, 2022.


The time of the livestream is yet to be announced. Stay tuned to check out what the time of the live stream would be.


How To Watch Genshin Impact 2.6 Livestream

On Twitch, the devs normally host the Livestream for new updates, and it’s very probable that this will be the case with the 2.6 Update Livestream as well.

When the Twitch stream goes live, MiHoYo is likely to provide fans the regular promo code giveaways and character demonstrations.

Genshin Impact 2.6 Update Leaks, Character, Region And Reruns

The new region, The Chams will be released in the 2.6 update along with the new character Ayato Kamisato, a Hydro character who uses a sword.

Kazuha, Yoimiya, and Ayaka are the ”oldest” Genshin characters without banner reruns and Kazuha should be the first one to get a rerun.


Redeem Codes For Genshin Impact 2.6 Update

The devs would provide players with redeem codes during the Livestreams, at least in the last several iterations of the new version reveal.

We expect this to continue with the 2.6 Livestream, and we’ll update this page as soon as MiHoYo makes the Redeem Code information accessible!

We’re hoping for a lot of Primogems and other goodies from miHoYo for the 2.6 Livestream, but we’ll let you know as soon as the incentives are released!


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