Who is M Ashwin Nambiar as Azim Premji University student falls to his death, biography, age, parents

Who is M Ashwin Nambiar as Azim Premji University student falls to his death, biography, age, parents

Have a look at the age, biography and death reason of M Ashwin Nambiar of the Azim Premji University

We examine the circumstances leading to the death of M Ashwin Nambiar, whose reason of death is still unknown.

Who is M Ashwin Nambiar as Azim Premji University student falls to his death, biography, age, parents and course

A 21-year-old BSc Mathematics student in his final year at Azim Premji University, known as M Ashwin Nambiar and hailing from Hyderabad, was found dead in the Bengaluru college hostel under mysterious circumstances. Initial investigations by the police indicated the possibility that Ashwin had committed suicide by jumping from the 16th floor of the hostel building.


How Ashwini succumbed to death?

On Friday morning, authorities discovered the lifeless body of M Ashwin Nambiar, a 21-year-old BSc student in the final year at Azim Premji University, under mysterious circumstances. Nambiar, originally from Hyderabad and residing in the university’s hostel, reportedly fell from the 16th floor between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM. While the incident is suspected to be a suicide, the police have not confirmed the exact cause, and no suicide note was found.

Authorities received information at around 10:45 AM and are currently verifying the nature of the death. Currently, the body at the mortuary in Attibele’s Oxford Medical College. Manohar Nambiar, Ashwin’s father and a retired Indian Navy officer, stated that they were notified about the incident by the university at around 10:30 AM.


How family members and friends of Ashwin reacted on the incident?

The family, who resides in Hyderabad, reached Bengaluru at 7 PM. Expressing surprise, Ashwin’s father Manohar Nambiar who is a retired Navy officer stressed the importance of determining the cause through conversations with both the university management and the police. The Sarjapur police initiated an investigation into the incident, registering it as an unnatural death and exploring all potential aspects. Currently, the Police haven’t ruled out foul play, and they are actively pursuing the investigation.

After the incident, a friend of the deceased disclosed that he was in the lobby of the residential building when he heard a sudden thud. Upon reaching the scene to investigate, he discovered his friend’s lifeless body. Expressing dissatisfaction with the university’s support infrastructure, the friend emphasized the solemn atmosphere prevailing within the residence.

In light of the unfortunate incident, the university released a statement conveying profound sorrow and astonishment at the passing of the student. They offered condolences to the bereaved family and friends, underscoring their dedication to assisting the immediate family throughout this challenging period. The university urged respect for the family’s privacy. Subsequent to the occurrence, the university called off classes.
