Harrison School volleyball player Julia Black cause of death, obituary, bio, age, family

Harrison School volleyball player Julia Black cause of death, obituary, bio, age, family

Have a look at the Harrison School student Julia Black cause of death and age

On Friday, October 27, 2023, Julia Black, a junior in Harrison School for the Arts’ Orchestra department, suddenly passed away from sudden cardiac death brought on by a pericardial infection.

Harrison School volleyball player Julia Black cause of death, obituary, bio, age and family

The 16-year-old native of Lakeland, Florida, passed away on Friday night, according to the teen’s obituary. Black was the orchestra’s principal oboist and was said to be a gifted performer. News of the teen’s unexpected death spread throughout the Lakeland community, which appeared to be crushed by her loss, even though the circumstances behind her death are unknown.


Tributes flooded in as the news broke out

Community members are in grief following the untimely loss of Julia Black, a Harrison junior who was regarded as an honour student and an active volunteer in her community. According to Julia Black’s obituary, which appeared in The Ledger, Black was a devoted teammate on the Lakeland High School varsity volleyball team and a fiercely kind adolescent.

The St. Paul Volleyball Camp in Lakeland honoured the deceased adolescent, who was said to have been a girls’ volleyball coach since 2021. The camp praised Black as a fantastic mentor who encouraged teenagers to pursue the sport in a Facebook post.

A moving ode to Black, who held the offices of vice president of the National English Honor Society and vice president of the Arts Council, was also written by the Harrison School of Arts. It further said that family, friends, and loved ones will miss Julia terribly. They urged everyone to kindly remember Julia’s family in their prayers and thoughts and be mindful of their space and privacy.


The funeral for Julia Black is scheduled for this Thursday

According to Black’s obituary, the teenager was a kind person who always led with morality. In the meantime, the teen’s family announced that, in honour of the teen’s love of the arts, the GiveWell Community Foundation has established the Julia C. Black Memorial Fund in her honour.

The teen’s family announced that funeral services will take place at St. Paul Lutheran Church on Thursday, November 2, 2023, as the community continues to struggle with the tragic loss.

The surviving family members of Julia Black are her brother, Varn Michael Black and her parents, Jenny Rebecca and Norman Larry Black Jr, who have been going through a tough time.
