What is the meaning of ‘Jigaboo’ as cow with racist name is allowed into Wisconsin State Fair

What is the meaning of ‘Jigaboo’ as cow with racist name is allowed into Wisconsin State Fair

The rides, delectable food, and refreshing beverages at the Wisconsin State Fair are legendary but recently, there was a stir when a cow named “Jigaboo” received an honour during the ceremony, know the meaning of the racial slur

According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the phrase is a disparaging slur used to disparage African-Americans, and this offended American folks. Tianda Hildebrant, a family exhibitor, and the State Fair have now expressed regret to the black community, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

What is the meaning of ‘Jigaboo’ as cow with racist name is allowed into Wisconsin State Fair 2023

Beginning on August 3 and lasting until August 13, the Wisconsin State Fair is taking place. On August 5, 2023, a tweet from the Fair’s Twitter account featured a picture of the cow “Jigaboo” who had won the Top Senior 3-Year-Old division. The epithet “jigaboo” is “used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a black person,” according to Webster.com.

According to the Online Entomology Dictionary, the word is described as being a mix of “Jig” and “bugaboo.” Since the late 18th century, “jig” has been used in a pejorative manner, and “bugaboo” refers to “something to frighten a child, fancied object of terror.”


David Blake, a resident of Pewaukee, was ambling past the 172nd Wisconsin State Fair with his friends and family. According to WISN, he was shocked to see a cow with the strange name (Jigaboo) listed online, so he took a picture and shared it.

He remarked that It’s one of the select few terms that need to be completely off-limits. He went on to mention the state fair, saying that it’s disgusting and clearly not something that people ought to use. Shame on the State Fair as well. I would imagine that there would be procedures in place where they would sort of examine the names and everything to determine how this was let through.


The cow’s name is changed now.

On Friday, August 11, a community activist by the name of Vaun Mayes posted about the incident, which sparked an online fury from the general public. According to WISN, the name of the cow has subsequently been changed from the racist slur to “Puzzle,” and others are guessing that this is an admission of guilt. Additionally, the Wisconsin State Fair eliminated exhibitor Tianda Hildebrant from the field of contestants.

On Friday night, the Hilderbrant family expressed regret to the black community and said that they understood that using that word was offensive and destructive. Moreover, they had changed the cow’s name.

Tess Kerkson, a spokeswoman for the Wisconsin State Fair, released a formal statement in response to the criticism. They immediately and purposefully took action to correct the situation since they did not tolerate or condone this behaviour. State Fair Park no longer has the animal. This animal’s exhibitor, who participated in our junior show, is no longer at State Fair Park. In order to ensure that a similar circumstance doesn’t arise again, Kerkson informed the general public that the Wisconsin State Fair intends to reassess the entry process.
