Ex-US President Barack Hussein Obama religion and full name

Ex-US President Barack Hussein Obama religion and full name

The former President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, confessed about his Christian faith and spoke about the religion

According to an old poll conducted, many Americans are unsure of Obama’s religion; almost one in five believe he is a Muslim.

Ex-President Barack Hussein Obama religion and full name

During a four-state trip, he stopped at a home in Albuquerque and made the remark in answer to a query regarding his religion.

He adopted Christianity as an adult “because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead, being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper and treating others as they would treat me.”


Accepting Christianity By Choice

During his visit to New Mexico, the president stated, “You know, I’m a Christian by choice. My family didn’t; quite simply, they weren’t the type of people who regularly attended church. The most spiritual person I know is my mother, although she didn’t bring me up in the church.”

He continued, “The realisation that Jesus Christ died for my sins spoke to the humility we all need to have as human beings, that we are sinful, flawed, and prone to error, and that we are saved by God’s grace.


But despite our flaws, he said that we can still see God in others and try to assist them in discovering their own grace. “I try to achieve that, then. I ask God to help me do that every day. My civic duty, in my opinion, is an expression of my Christian religion.

Obama declared his sincere conviction that this nation’s ability to accommodate people of all faiths and no faith is one of its greatest assets. Despite the fact that it is still a country with a large Christian population, “we have Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, and Buddhists, and that their own path to grace is one that we have to revere and respect as much as our own.” And that contributes to the uniqueness of this nation.

Despite their ambiguity on the president’s religion, respondents in the August poll also demonstrated their support for how he applies his faith to decision-making, with almost half, or 48%, saying he relied on it to the proper extent.

President Obama took his oath of office with his hand on the Bible, like most American presidents. While his full name is Barack Hussein Obama and he is largely believed to be a secretly practicing Muslim, he has claimed to be a Christian.


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