Who is Kevin Parkourana who went on stabbing spree in San Jose rampage, bio, age, criminal record

Who is Kevin Parkourana who went on stabbing spree in San Jose rampage, bio, age, criminal record

In the wake of a harrowing incident in San Jose and Milpitas, Kevin Parkourana, a 31-year-old man with a notorious criminal record, has been apprehended by the authorities

Kevin Parkourana stands accused of a deadly rampage that has left the local communities in shock. Here is more you need to know about the incident.

Who is Kevin Parkourana who went on stabbing spree in San Jose rampage, bio, age and criminal record

Kevin Parkourana, aged 31, is no stranger to the police. With several assault charges to his name and currently on probation during the time of the recent attacks, his criminal record is extensive. Earlier this year, he was arrested on charges of assaulting a transgender person with a knife but was later acquitted. The court records reveal a man with numerous arrests and felony convictions over the past decade.

The events leading up to Parkourana’s arrest on Thursday paint a horrifying picture. A spree of violence. Encompassing both stabbing attacks and deliberate vehicular collisions, was unleashed in a parking area at a Smart & Final store. This onslaught resulted in multiple fatalities and left several others injured.


Impact of San Jose rampage on local communities

Coincidentally, a graduation ceremony was underway at Milpitas High School in close proximity to the crime scene. Once the news of the rampage reached the authorities, officers were immediately dispatched to secure the school and ensure the safety of those inside.


In a testament to inter-department cooperation, Milpitas Police Chief Jared Hernandez said, “We moved officers to perimeter positions to ensure people inside the venue were protected. And we placed plainclothes detectives inside of that ceremony. We could not have done that without the assistance of the San Jose Police Department.”

San Jose in mourning after rampage by Kevin Parkourana

San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan expressed his deep condolences to the victims and their families during a press conference. He shared the community’s grief, saying, “There are no words that can convey the depth of our sorrow to the families of the victims. San Jose mourns with you.”


Parkourana’s arrest has brought to light the alarming reality of escalating crime and violence in the region. As the local communities come to grips with the shocking events of the rampage, there’s a collective call for stronger safety measures and more stringent law enforcement efforts.

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