Cat in a Blender full video goes viral on Twitter and Reddit

Cat in a Blender full video goes viral on Twitter and Reddit

This viral cat in a blender full video is cruel and inhumane, and sharing such videos depicts sadists’ behaviour.

Adding to the list of some of the most disgusting viral videos is “Cat in Blender,” and it’s Not Funny. Know more about it in the article below.

Cat in a Blender full video goes viral on TikTok, Twitter and Reddit

On social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok, a horrifying video showing a person throwing a cat in a blender has already gone viral. The video has persisted in spreading like wildfire despite some websites having strong community restrictions for sensitive content. The video upset online viewers, who asked other users not to share it further. 

The Odious Trend Of Cat In A Blender

We won’t add any video clips to this page because of how explicit the film is; many users report it as extremely unpleasant and violent. 

Today, a video of a cat surfaced online and spread like wildfire. Many people found it hard to comprehend how someone could subject a cat to such traumatic circumstances in order to torture it. Netizens have been working hard to identify the source of the horrible act so it can be reported to the police.

People across the globe expressed their sadness for the cat and were traumatised to see such a gruesome act.


Internet Reaction On The Trending Cat In A Blender Video

Many people expressed outrage over the video and their inability to comprehend why anyone would intentionally harm animals. While many online users kept spreading the video to spread awareness of animal cruelty.

Many people are now curious as to who exactly is responsible for the distressing video that has been making the rounds on the Internet. What motivates them to act in such a manner? Although nothing has been confirmed as of yet, it appears that there may be some good news here. TikTok users assert that the perpetrator has been found and is in custody.

A Video Of A Cat In A Blender Became Viral On Twitter.

When this article was written, the viral clip had primarily gone viral on Twitter. Sensitive content is described as:


“Excessively graphic or violent content that is shared in live video, profile, or header photos. Additionally prohibited is media that shows sexual assault or violence of any kind.

The platform only makes an exception if the content is from a documentary or educational programme.”


One can click the “Report Tweet” option under the last option after selecting the three dots in the top-right corner of a tweet to report such upsetting videos. Netizens must then choose the cause for flagging the chosen content from the available possibilities. The video can be flagged as “abusive and harmful” and “displaying a sensitive photo or video.”

Users on Twitter will also have the opportunity to block the accounts responsible for the harmful posts. The profile can also be muted.

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